Chapter 1

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DISCLAIMER: I am not the author (Lellsy), and I take no credit for this fanfiction. I noticed that chapter 1 was unavailable and through the use of google translate, have rewritten and published it. There is no way I will be able to tell if this is word for word accurate either. Enjoy.



It was early March at Holmes Chapel, Chesire: a quiet time when the hardened ice and the bleakness of winter melted with dew and the sunlight filled with timid greens. Harry closed his eyes as he breathed in the cool, slightly damp air as he slowly closed the car door behind him; careful not to wake up his bandmate. They had just finished a series of concerts here and there across the country that had lasted three weeks and now they planned to take a few weeks off before heading to Sweden. It was not a good time to wake him up. Louis hadn't been feeling well in a while. Of course he had downplayed her in front of everyone but it was becoming clear on his face that he was getting worse. Hopefully,

Digging into his pocket, Harry found the keys to his mother's house and trotted down the path to the front door. The keys to the apartment he shared with Louis were there for security (after a fan broke into his dressing room during his first week of concerts and tried to steal them along with their phones). It was an arrangement that it would be best if someone kept them safe, so when Harry's mom had attended his Manchester concert, she had agreed to take them with her.

Even though it was only nine in the morning, only Robin was home at the time. He came half asleep from the kitchen when Harry pushed the door open and smiled warmly at him.

-Hello! Harry greeted, stepping into the warm house and rushing forward to give her a hug. He had always gotten along really well with Robin (treating and seeing him as a true father figure. Robin, in return, had always treated him like a son).

"Hey, my boy," Robin roared into her ear as he rubbed her back. -All good?

-Yes, and you? Harry replied, pulling away and smiling at his stepfather.

"Good," Robin replied, smiling and nodding. "Do you have time for tea?"

"I'd love to," Harry replied with a heavy sigh. "But I'm afraid it's a flight stop." The car needs to go I don't know where after dropping us off in London.

Robin nodded and Harry could see that he was genuinely disappointed.

"Aww, that's a shame but I think that explains why your other half hasn't followed you here."

Harry's lips twitched knowing that his stepfather was referring to Louis. It was sweet that his family supported his close friendship but it could also be a bit embarrassing when they started joking that they were more than that. They had only crossed the line a few times and that was when they were very drunk and desperately horny. Of course no one knew about that other than the two of them and the other boys. Harry planned to keep it that way. It was hard enough to explain to the guys and convince them that it was a friends with benefits thing to try to explain that to other people who might not know both of them that well (or who knew them too well).

"He's asleep in the car," she explained. "There was no point waking him up when he just needed to pick up our keys, he would just be distracted and delay our return. You know how Louis is.

Robin laughed and turned to the kitchen.

-Of course I know. Come on then, I think your mother put your keys in the kitchen drawer ...

Harry followed his stepfather into the large kitchen. The two pairs of keys, with multi-colored key rings with each other's names, were on top of everything in the drawer (in the middle of a pile of junk, which seemed to be present in everyone's drawers, such as thread, old newspapers, paper clips, random photos, brochures, mystery keys, old rolls of duct tape, crumpled packets of seeds ... Robin had to crush everything to get the drawer to close again). One day, Harry thought with amusement, he was going to reach the bottom of the drawer just to see what other treasures it was hiding. He put the keys in his pocket and gave Robin another smile.

Uncommon Sanction; Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now