Unwanted Visitor

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"TB...were the hell are you going?! The water filter is done! Get back here!"
Golf ball yelled at Tennis ball, in a concerned tone.

"I'm going to do my 'job' assigned by Firey, don't worry, I'll be back soon!"

"TB, just, please don't drown"

"Alright, got it, I won't drown"

Tennis ball grabbed the sickle that Firey had gave him off the ground, he looked forward, and began to center his vision on his task: To find a cave, and try to get materials for the others; But, Tennis ball began to think about other things quickly. Leafy had been shaking uncontrollably from the poke berries, he felt really bad for her; the constant nausea probably felt horrible. Tennis ball kept thinking about that as he walked through the dark trees, He was almost certain that somebody was going to jump out and scare him, so Tennis ball was being aware of all his surroundings. He was glad that they saved Leafy, though, now there was a long lasting after effect, that made her vomit way more than what would be healthy. A slight grin showed on his face as he saw the silohette of someone else...it was Bottle, she wouldn't mind if I scared her, right? He thought, walking quietly behind her; then, Tennis ball tapped on her shoulder, and Bottle jumped "AH!....what the hell TB?!" She yelped, turning around and frowning at him as he snickered "don't be so worried about everything, Bottle," Tennis ball responded "I'm just trying to get your mind off of being on this island"

"You're lucky I didn't punch your teeth in..."

Was the disturbing response that Bottle gave to Tennis ball, rolling her eyes before walking off to somewhere else, She changed a lot from before we got here, what is up with everyone?...at least GB's the same He thought, still searching for a cave. The entrance to one caught Tennis ball's attention as he found the target, walking over and feeling success; starting to inspect the rocky walls surrounding him, the damp limestone making the air smell like petrichor. He went deeper inside as the sun slowly started to rise, making the cave a little more easier to see into; and then Tennis ball realized how quiet it was, and he stopped for a bit, hearing the leaves softly rustle in the wind. Then suddenly, Tennis ball heard a twig snap from behind; he swang his head around immediately, the fear built up until he thought about it logically, it was probably just an animal or something...I need to get back to work...Tennis ball thought, getting back on track, and making sure he didn't get distracted. But then, he heard something else...it sounded like breathing. Tennis ball glanced behind, trying to find who or what was there, making the noises. But it was too late, and the pain slowly came over him, as the deep laceration started to leak blood.

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