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Boo pov

Bark bark woof woof bark bark woof...
Woof woof arf kookeu bark bark woof!!!
Bark bark arf bark woof bark arf....

Time skip...

"Bark bark!!!!"  Boo arf barked

"Baaarrrk?!?!?!" Arf Kookeu woof barked

"Bark woof woof bark arf bark woof bark bark woof woof arf arf
Howl..." Arf Boo barked woof arf.

"Bark Boo arf... WOOF GRRR BARK BARK!!!!!" Kookeu Arf woof barked woof barking.

"Bark bark woof...... ARF?!?!" Ari barked.

Bark bark Ari arf Kokeu woof woof bark...

Bark woof arf arf....

"Bark?!?!" Arf barked

Bark bark woof woof arf bark bark baw baw bark bark arf woof woof bark bark grrr bark woof bark woof woof arf...

To be continued

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