A really confusing intro

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Hunter pov
Have you ever looked at people and gotten an overwhelming sense of not belonging? Like, you see all of these people going about their lives, usually knowing what they're doing and where they're going. And you just stand there. Right in the middle of them, not having a clue as to what's going on, or what you're supposed to be doing.

I have been told many times that this feeling of being out of place among our society is normal for a young person like me. My aunt used to say that everyone must go through a time of confusion to be able to finally find their purpose in life. So I trusted her words and decided to wait until the time came for me to find that purpose.

While I was waiting, I watched many of the people I considered myself to be friends with find their purposes and move on.

One by one, they all ended up moving on with their lives, and eventually I was alone.

I did have my aunt, but at some point she was hit by a drunk driver while she was on a walk one night.

Then I was completely alone, since she was the last of any family that I had connections with anymore.

But for some reason, even after all of that, I didn't really mind. Sure, I was sad and mourned for a bit when I learned of my aunts passing, but afterwards I just went on with what I had been doing.

It might have been because I don't mind being alone. Up until high school I never had friends or siblings, and my parents left me with my aunt when I was little. Even though said aunt was very caring, and I know that she loved me a lot, she wasn't there most of the time due to her work which required her to travel often.

I might also have not minded because I know that as time goes on things change, nothing lasts forever, and I knew there wasn't anything I could do to stop it so I went along with it instead.

So I found myself without any friends or family by the time I turned 21.
I moved on from all that though, got a decent paying day job working retail at some outdoor mall store, and as a side job sold some of my art through my online store.

Art seemed to be the one thing about this world that didn't confuse me. You can create something beautiful all by yourself. Something original, your own little piece of existence that might get someone or something to recognize you as another human being.

I didn't always appreciate art though, I used to hate it because whenever I tried to make something it would turn out awful. The worst thing was that someone would always say that it was great, but I knew they were just pitying me.

So I continuously practiced drawing and painting and all forms of art until I finally got to where I didn't hate the end result.

But by this time people had moved on with their pity and decided that my now actually good art couldn't be worth their time, which is why I couldn't do art full time.

I had thought that I'd finally found my purpose in life like my aunt had promised I would, but I was wrong.

Failed dream career story aside, all of my views on existing seems to lead up to the strange moment I had found myself in at this moment. I was currently hanging upside down, hopelessly stuck in the huge branches of a giant tree.

The day had started out fairly normal, I woke up, got ready for the day, and had begun walking to a small bakery that was close to the outdoor mall that I worked at.

But then I took four steps outside, got distracted by a neon pink bird sitting on a mailbox, and suddenly recalled a faint memory of a strange dream that I had gotten a few days ago.

A dream which ended in me falling through bioluminescent algae and a weird half frog dude trying to rip my eyeballs out of my skull.

Then I shook the memory of the dream out of my head, continued walking down the steps leading off of my home, and promptly fell through a glowy dark blue portal.

As I was in the middle of screaming my head off, the portal ended and I found myself plummeting down the side of a really tall looking skyscraper.

I knew people were probably staring at me as I fell. How wonderful, I'm going to die looking like an idiot with all of these people staring at me. Just as I thought I was about to go splat, the portal appeared again and I suddenly realized I was still very much alive, but still falling.

Then it was really cold and I was rolling down a very much snow covered mountain side. I stopped rolling, stood up, brushed myself off, and decided to not freak out over whatever it was that just happened because panicking wouldn't help my situation much right now.

I had decided that my best plan of action would be to walk back up to the top of the mountain and hope to get some form of reception so I might be able to get help off this mountain and to call my boss to say that the likeliness of me showing up for work today were low.

But before I could start walking back up the mountain, the portal reappeared and I once again found myself falling.

This was getting old fast, so I stuck my arm out to see if there was any way I could slow my falling. Since it looked like the portal I was falling through was more like a really long navy blue cylinder, and not some endless void that you fall through until the portal drops you off somewhere

Sticking my arm out didn't do anything to slow my fall, but it did hurt. A lot. It felt like my arm was being ripped off by a burning clamp or something. I rip my arm away from the wall, and look down to see the end of the portal approaching.

I fall out of the portal for a third time today and promptly fall headfirst into the vines and branches of a very large and wide tree.

Which is where I am now, stuck in the tree I mentioned earlier, with a still hurt arm and in no condition to attempt to unstick myself from where I am wedged in this tree and climb down. So I sit there and wait for something to happen, maybe that stupid portal will show up and drop me somewhere else in a bit.

Hi, I started another story. This ones not a fanfiction or anything like that, just an idea I had at some point. If you're seeing this then thank you, and I hope you have at least a mediocrely decent day.

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