Chapter 1

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 No! No, no, no, no, no! This absolutely cannot be happening right now! I let out a groan and let my head drop forward onto the steering wheel. The time is currently 2:13am. Ian had asked me to be in a 2 Truth, 1 Lie video tomorrow, so I had decided to stay back and finalize my index cards. It was going to be my first time being on camera instead of behind the scenes, so I wanted it to be perfect. I figured it wouldn't take me very long but clearly, I was mistaken. Anyways, I'm ready to go home and get in some sleep car has decided that it doesn't want to start. With a heavy sigh, I unbuckle my seatbelt, open my door and clamber out of my car. Just as I close my door behind me, thunder cracks overhead and a startled yelp escapes from me. The skies open up and a torrential downpour of rain begins, completely soaking my clothes in a matter of seconds. I toss up my arms up exaggeratedly, turning my gaze up to the darkened clouds.

"Seriously?! Could this get any worse?!"

Why yes, actually! As a matter of fact, it can! Despite my now sopping clothes, I pop open the hood of my car to try and figure out what the problem is. However, due to the rain, my hair obstructing my vision, and the shivers now wracking my frame, I decide that my best option would be to have someone come pick me up. Though, first, I need to get this whole car thing situated. I get back into my car, grateful that I had it to protect me from the storm.

Remember when I said that it got worse? Now would be that time. I pick up my phone to call the towing company, but my screen dims considerably and my 5% warning flashes across the top of my phone. At this point, anxiety is raging through me and I'm about one more minor inconvenience away from having a break down. The call with the towing company was quick and went fairly smoothly. The man on the other end of the phone informs me that a truck will be there momentarily to retrieve my car. Thankfully, the shop is only a block or two away. Now to figure out who to call.

Courtney and Liv are probably just getting home from the party with Keith and Noah, so those four are out. Shayne practically lives in the opposite direction of me, so it doesn't make sense for him to come get me. Mari is probably just getting back from her trip with Wes, Boze, Joven, and Lasercorn, so they're all out too. That just leaves Ian and Damien. Knowing Ian, if he does come to get me, he's going to ask me a bunch of questions as to why I'm here so late and honestly? I don't want to have to deal with that right now, so Damien it is.

Ever since I've joined Smosh, Damien and I have gotten pretty close. Perhaps it was our shared love of anime and cats that got us to click almost instantly. Or maybe it was our quirky nature that did it. Regardless, he and I have a strong relationship and I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a teeeeeeny crush on the guy. I mean, can you blame me? He's the most gentlemanly of men, he's smart, he's extremely funny, he's kind and genuine and honestly the most down to earth and amazing guy I know.

I suppress another shiver as I dial his number, clenching my teeth to prevent them from chattering. Ring...ring...ring...ring. After another ring, I almost lose hope, this is it...I'm going to be stuck here until-

"Hello?" Damien's groggy morning voice fills my ear. "(y/n)? What time is it? Are you okay?"

Let me tell you this: I have never been so thrilled to hear his voice. I let out a slightly breathy laugh, my teeth chattering in the process. "H-Hey Dames, look, I can't explain everything right now because my phone is going to die any second, but if it's not too much trouble, I was wondering if you could possibly come pick me up? I'm at the office..."

I hear a light shuffling coming from the other side of the phone, accompanied by a soft meow. Damien mumbles a quiet, "Oops, sorry Freyja" and it takes everything I have to prevent myself from giggling. "I'll be there in 15 minutes. Will you be okay until then?"

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