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*3 Years Later*

"Helloooo everyone and welcome back to yet another Try Not to Laugh video!" Shayne states with his usual energy.

"Y'all already know the rules, no touching and we've got ninety seconds to make the person in the hot seat laugh" Keith continues where Shayne left off.

"But before we do!" Courtney states, "We have a very special guest with us today! You guys know her, you all love her as much as we do! Give a nice welcome back to Damien's love lady, the amazing (Y/n)!"

I smile brightly, waving at the camera, the nervousness from my first video long gone "Hey guys, thanks for having me back! I'm excited to be here, as always!"

Shayne interrupts, pointing aggressively at me "I'm going to make you fucking laugh this time" He looks into the camera in that crazy way he does, very slowly inching closer as the camera zooms in on his face. "I've been training for this day!"

I roll my eyes and the camera pans back this way. "Sure Shayne...that's what you've said the past, what, three times I've been here?" I look up at Damien, an amused smirk on my face and he nods in confirmation.

Keith pats Shayne's shoulder sympathetically "Yeah...good luck with that buddy"

"Well, let's get started, shall we?" Courtney asks. "Keith, you want to go first?"


Everything was going super smoothly, as per usual. So far, I've managed to make everyone laugh. It was simple really, all I had to do was my own impressions of skits they've already done. For Courtney, I did my best impression of her character Boneless. I know I messed up on the voice, I have no idea how she does it, but it got her to laugh, nonetheless. For Keith, I didn't really have a specific skit in mind, so I had Noah help me, and we spat water back and forth at each other. I almost didn't get Keith to laugh, but he spat out his own water at the last second, spraying Noah and giggling out a "Sorry man"

For Noah, I recreated his skit where he dressed up as an angel and put on the Attack on Titan pants, exclaiming "They take your skin! Ooooo shit, in heaven they take your skin!"

He lost it almost immediately and I just barely jumped out of the way of his water, laughing with him. For Damien, I did my best impression of Randall, sending him into a fit of laughter and almost choking on his water. I burst into a fit of giggles, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before disappearing behind scene. Shayne was very easy to get. I had been planning this skit for a while now and I was super happy when I managed to get him to crack. I walk up next to him, red telephone in my hand and flash him in a smile, punching in a bunch of random numbers, and holding the telephone up to my ear "Oi! Papa John's?" I pause for a moment, Shayne eyeing me suspiciously. "Yeah, you're absolutely not my favorite pizza place! Your crust is too thin, and you don't use enough cheese and-hello?" I shrug, glancing at Shayne "They hung up, but watch this though" I punch in a bunch of random numbers again, putting the phone to my ear, Shayne letting out a snort but not spitting out his water.

"Hey, Pizza Hut? Yeah, you aren't my favorite pizza place either. I mean, come on, salads? You're a pizza place for gods sake!" I slam the phone down, looking over at Shayne, who was starting to get red faced and trying very hard not to spit out his water. I smirk at him, picking up the phone for the final time and punching in the last set of numbers

"But watch this though," I put the phone up to my ear, "Dominos? Yeah, I'm just calling to say that you guys are my favorite pizza place. I mean, garlic crust? Y'all are genius! You have a good day now-no you have a wonderful day. Okay, bye bye" I put the phone down, giving my best sniffle "I just love Dominos"

Shayne loses it, spraying his water everywhere and laughs hysterically "Oh my god! No fair! That was amazing though, good job, good job"

Once Shayne's laughter had subsided, it was finally time for my turn in the hot seat. To put it simply, Courtney and Keith made me laugh, Noah almost made me laugh, but I spat out my water anyways, giving him a pity point, and Shayne didn't make me laugh, although, he did come very close. He walks behind scene, tossing down one of his props and yelling, "Oh come on!"

Now it's Damien's turn, and I'm determined not to laugh. I probably will though, considering he knows exactly what to say and do to make me crack. I see him walk out and I'm slightly confused at the lack of props and costumes. I raise an eyebrow at him, and he clears his throat, adjusting his arms behind his back.

"So, I've been thinking about this for a while now, and I'm not sure how to word this so I'm just going to come out and say it...I'm not sure I want to be your boyfriend anymore"

My heart starts beating harshly in my chest, and my hands start to shake. No, no he can't be breaking up with me. Especially not on camera. This is a skit, right? It has to be part of the skit. I look up to meet his eyes, trying to see if I can get any hints as to what he means. When I'm met with genuine seriousness, my heart feels like it's been broken into a million pieces and my eyes start to water. Only then does Damien show any crack in his stoic expression, a smile starting to make its way to his face. Confusion fills me once again and Damien slowly lowers himself onto one knee, an amused look on his face as he removes his arms from behind his back, pulling out a small box. He opens it, revealing the most beautiful ring I've ever seen. "I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore because I'd like to be your fiancé. (Y/n), will you do the honor of making me the happiest man and- "

I spit out my water, my jaw dropping, and I rush off of the hot seat and collapse into Damien's arms "Yes! Oh my god, yes!"

Damien laughs, taking the ring out of the box and placing it on my finger before bringing me into a soft kiss "You didn't let me finish"

I laugh softly, staring down at the ring on my finger "That seems to be a common occurrence for special occasions"

Courtney and Shayne were the first to run on screen, crashing into both of us and knocking us completely over onto the floor, tears in their eyes. Everyone else slowly follows, a chorus of "congratulations" and "we're you happy for you" s filling my ears.

Eventually everything dies down, the episode of Try Not to Laugh coming to an end.

Courtney sniffles as she begins the outro "Well that's one hell of a way to end this episode, damn"

I nod in agreement, lightly slapping Damien's shoulder "No shit, you scared the hell out of me babe"

Damien just laughs, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me closer, pressing a kiss to my head while I continue "If you liked this episode, punch that subscribe button and notification to see more like it! As always thank you for watching, Youtube will provide you with another video there, and one we've picked out for you will be right there to watch and we'll see ya next time! Bye!"

Sarah calls a wrap for that episode and everyone begins to disperse, except for Damien and me. I let out a content sigh, pulling him in for a hug and pillowing my cheek against his chest. Damien holds me close, glancing down at me "How does a celebratory dinner night sound?"

Ismile brightly, removing my head from his chest to look up at him and meet hisgaze "Dinner sounds amazing Haas"

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