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 Upon tonight, the moons lit the fields and hills with a soft blue haze. The two moons lit the dark, indigo sky as a natural nightlight for the Glade of Dreams. All inhabitants slept with tranquility once more; everything felt peaceful. However, despite the coolness of the night, not everyone is asleep.

Within the moonlit hills, the silence was broken by the sound of a metal hook clanking onto the edge of a cliff. Attached to the metal hook was a long, tight rope. At the end of the rope was a figure, a livingstone, to be precise. Having finished climbing the rope and reaching the ridge's edge, pulling himself up, he took a breath. He was exhausted, knowing that he'd been chased all night. Hopefully, hiding within the high escarpments will keep them hidden from the guards below. Brushing off the dust from himself, the thief's eye caught something that gleamed under the moon's light.

Curious, the livingstone approached the small area resembling a petite séance. As he walked closer to the shiny object at the far end of the cliff, his head tilted in peculiarity. Many burned silver candles lay at the far end of the ridge. Between those ancient silver candles was a dusty spirit board. Next to it was a large book that appeared to be engraved in silver, topped with a strange marking resembling a rune sigil. In addition to the book were bracelets and necklaces made from beads of precious stones. Without hesitation, the livingstone grabbed his burlap bag and stuffed almost everything into it.

Once finished, he collected all his things and snuck into the moonlight chaparral not far from the cliffs, hoping not to be seen. He knows that these precious stones and books would be worth a fortune. However, that thought quickly faded when he heard a noise behind him. Looking behind, the deep growling grew louder. A chill was felt down his spine as he noticed the tall, dark silhouettes peeking through the blue-tinted grass. He panics and sprints through the chaparral. Without warning, wild canine creatures launched out of the tall grass and began chasing prey. The livingstone yelped as he glanced back, seeing the black beasts chasing after him, sprinting closer to him. 

The livingstone dashed from the bushes and chaparral into the small village where many slept. He ran through the quiet neighborhood, panting as the black beasts trailed behind him. It wasn't until the burlap sack fell from him. He swiftly turned around to get the bag back but blanched as the four-legged tyrants trailed closer and closer to him. He didn't hesitate to take it back as he continued to flee. All he wanted to do now was get away and survive those dark creatures. The long-legged canines ran past the burlap sack and chased after the livingstone. Farther and farther, the group had run from the burlap sack on the doorstep of a cabin door.

Unsurprisingly, none of the neighbors have awoken from the fatal fiasco. Far north to the forest, the livingstone screams in the distance as the snarling beasts catch up to him. It wasn't long until the livingstone stopped wailing for his life.

Soon, the sun has finally risen, welcoming a new morning for the people in the Glade. The sun's rays touched the floor and brightened every home on this chilly autumn sunrise. A limbless hero walked out of the cabin, hands outstretched. He is a very laid-back hero with no arms or legs. The hero is no other than the guardian of the Glades of Dreams himself, Rayman. He brushed his hair back as he stepped out of the door. He peeked out as he felt the warm sun rays touch his face, embracing the warm tones within the light. Ray then snapped out of his calm trance after feeling as if he had stepped on glass under his shoe. 

He glanced down to see right below him was a burlap sack that was filled. Curious, he picked up the burlap sack, paving through the small opening, and noticed a beautifully carved black dusty spirit board. The next item is an ancient leather book with a rune-like symbol. He looks deeper into the burlap bag and finds a few used silver candles and some jewelry that looks to be made of precious stones. He was curious about where it came from.

'Maybe someone dropped it...' he thought.

Rayman sighed as he went back inside with the bag. He dressed in a coat and gathered all his things to prepare for today. After locking the door of his rental cabin, he figured he should give the burlap sack to the Fairy Council; maybe they would know more about it. Rayman took in a breath and sighed, embracing the crisp autumn air. He walked onward on his journey through the trail in the forest's depths. He listened to the soft blows of the winds and birds singing in the trees...unaware of the bloody claw marks and paw prints sprawled across the ground below him.

Rayman and the Livid EclipseWhere stories live. Discover now