(girl in red reference heh)
Peach/Grape's POV
I walk out of school and to my local coffee shop because yknow coffee 😫😫
I went in and ordered my usual coffee I looked up at the waitress serving me and felt my cheeks heat up because she was trying to iron my face. She served me my coffee and left. I sipped on my coffee wondering what her name was. probably Shrek or sum shit she looks like it 🤮🤮. Once I finished my coffee the cafe was closing I saw the same girl walking out. I followed her. I know I'll be labelled a stalker but she got them fat cheeks like why not smh. I followed her all the way to her house and when she went inside I quickly climbed onto a nearby tree. I can see her from up here. I don't know why I'm doing this she looks like an ugly toad but she can play among us with me or sumt 😻😻. I watched her sleep and stayed up all night. She kept saying shit like "ugH curly haired boys here to save me omg!! 😻" Can't believe this mf likes men. I walk inside her house because I was getting bored and jumped on her bed. She woke up confused af. And I made out with her for a few minutes ig cos I've never had a friend before but I think that's what they do. Then I had seggs with her computer.The end