~When I Hear My Favorite Song~

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Chan and Felix did everything together; work, eat, sleep. They were inseparable. Where ever Chan went, Felix was sure to follow, and vice versa.

One of their favorite things to do was work on music together.

Chan had been teaching Felix everything he knows about music production for a while now, the younger finding it amazing every sound the older could make.

They'd been best friends for around 3 years now, their bond getting stronger the older they got.

Around a year ago, Felix moved into Chan's apartment. Chan had an extra room, and Felix was there most nights anyway. It was about 3 months after that they started sleeping in the same room; Chan found it easier to sleep when he wasn't alone.

Their friends all thought they were dating, though any time someone would bring it up, they would just laugh it off, repeating the "Oh no, we're just really close" line as many times as they could.

You see, one thing that they didn't share was their feelings. Well, romantic feelings, that is.

Chan had mentioned something to Felix one night about meeting this cute girl at a coffee shop, and Felix felt something he couldn't describe twist in his stomach.

Felix laughed it off, deciding that he was simply jealous of Chan for meeting someone, maybe even worried that she could come between them.

It wasn't until Chan told Felix about a week after that that he'd asked for her number and that they'd maybe go on a date in the near future.

Chan was a couple of years older than Felix, though their small age gap was never an issue.

One weird thing is that Chan was nearly 23 and still hadn't heard his soulmate's music yet.

Typically, by the time you turn 20, you gain the ability to hear any music your soulmate listens to in your head, but only if your soulmate is also 20 or older.

Chan brushed it off, thinking that whoever she is, she just wasn't 20 yet.

Personally, Felix kinda hoped that Chan never hears the music.

That would feel easier for Felix than one day losing Chan to someone else with questionable music taste.

That day, roughly a week ago, Felix realized he was in love with Chan.

Felix wasn't too sure when it possibly started, but something in him snapped when he heard Chan talk about wanting to date this girl; Felix realized that he wasn't jealous of Chan.

He was jealous of the girl. The girl who could quite easily get the one thing Felix would never get from Chan.

His heart.

Flash forward to tonight; it was currently their friend Jisung's birthday. September 14th.

That means that once midnight hits, it's Felix's birthday.

Felix's 20th birthday.

To say that he was excited was an understatement. Maybe now, once he heard his soulmate, he would be able to get over Chan and the impossibility that their friendship would ever become something more.

Looking around the restaurant that he and his 7 other friends, Chan included, were at, Felix started to picture what it's going to feel like, hearing someone else's music in his head for once.

"Felix, you ok, bub?" Felix jumps slightly, turning his head to see Chan, looking slightly worried at him, resting a hand on Felix's shoulder.

"Huh? Oh- oh yeah, I'm fine, just slightly worried." Felix answers with a sheepish grin, looking down at the table.

He feels Chan's hand slide down his back, lightly rubbing the small of his back to help ease the tension Felix was currently feeling. Felix looks up at Chan again and gives him a slightly more convincing smile.

"Is it about your birthday? Just a few more hours, then you're the big 20!" Chan says quietly to him, mouth breaking into a grin that makes Felix's heart race.

"Heh, yeah, I'm just stressed that I'm gonna end up like you and never hear my soulmate" Felix smirks, Chan looking faux-hurt, removing his hand from Felix to cover his heart.

"You wound me, sir," Chan says, causing Felix to let out a tiny giggle at his best friend's dumb behavior.

Looking back out at their friends for a second, before looking back at Felix, Chan leans in closer to Felix before asking, "You wanna go home? We can ring in your birthday together."

Felix does his best to suppress the shudder he feels when Chan's warm breath hits his neck from how close Chan got, but nods to the older Aussie, giving him a thankful look.

"Hey guys," Chan speaks out, gaining the attention of the rest of the table, "Felix is feeling nervous for his birthday, so we're gonna head home. Congrats, Minsung, on reinstating the fact that you're perfect for each other by literally standing on opposite sides of your apartment with headphones, just to test if you guys were soul mates as soon as Jisung's birthday hit this morning."

"Pfft, yeah, like there was any chance they were going to risk not knowing." Changbin snarks as soon as Chan finishes his thought, gaining a glare from a protective Minho who hasn't let go of his newfound soul mate, Jisung (they've been dating for 2 and a half years, but now it's official') since they all sat down for dinner.

"Happy early birthday Lixie, I hope you find your soul mate soon!" Jeongin says excitedly, giving Felix one of his trademark grins.

"Thanks Innie, bye everyone!" Felix says before turning and leading Chan out the door; Chan just waved to everyone before following.

As soon as the door closed behind them, the table of friends started taking bets to see how long it'd be before Chanlix realizes that their soulmates too once Felix's birthday hits.

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