Noah Beck
Bryce Hall
...more to come!
I don't know about you, but the time I usually read imagines is late late at night when I can't sleep. The ones I've been finding on Wattpad recently haven't really been doing...
Summary: You're an actress who just starred in her first couple of movies, one of which Bryce and the Sway boys are huge fans of. Their friend B Dave is so dedicated to the movie that he decides to LITERALLY GET YOUR CHARACTER'S FACE TATTOOED ON HIS ASS, and Bryce invites you over to be a part of the vlog.
BATTER UP! (A Bryce Hall Imagine)
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Part One: Sounds Like a Mistake
I just happen to be checking Twitter for the first time in a few weeks when a DM pops up from an @ I recognize.
From @BryceHall: Hey, my friends and I are obsessed with [the name of the comedy movie you're in]. It's fucking hilarious. Mad respect
A little background on me: For someone with a public persona, I'm really not all that into social media. My Instagram and Twitter are private with only my DM's open, so I check them every once in a while when I'm bored or want to message fans. This has been happening more and more lately where someone I recognize will slide into my DM's, and it makes me so excited every time.
I've always dreamed of being an actress, but never had the self confidence to pursue it. I actually only ended up falling into my first role kind of by chance, since I was working as a ghostwriter on the screenplay and got to know the director.
It was an indy book adaptation about a controversially opinionated female music journalist, who broke into the London music scene using a male alias in the 1980's. They were having trouble casting the main character and were fed up with cycling in experienced actresses who weren't quite fitting the realness of the role, so they decided to look for someone unknown. The director suggested that I audition since I was around the right age for the part and she remembered I was taking acting classes at the local university for fun, plus she knew I already understood the role from the multiple conversations I'd had with her about it while working on the script.
Even with the director's encouragement, I still wasn't convinced that I wouldn't embarrass myself in the audition, but I decided to go for it because when was an opportunity like that ever going to fall into my lap again? The audition was terrifying and pushed me way out of my comfort zone, especially because the role required a Cockney accent that the director and panel of producers made me try to imitate on the spot.
Even though I'm sure my accent was absolute trash in the audition, I ended up getting the role after talking to them about what was really going on in the character's head in her most pivotal scene. That's where I stood out, in understanding every side of the character and all of the angles of what was happening to her. It was my job to understand her on every level while I was writing for the production, which translated to the other side of the camera as well.