Fourteen: The Flight

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With my head against the seat, my eyes closed, and my leg bouncing up and down as my fingers traced the rim of the glass, I tried not to let myself be bored out of my mind. If I was being honest, then I already am fucking bored out of my mind. I think we've been on this damn flight for three hours now, and we had five more hours left.

God, why didn't I bring anything with me?

I would entrance myself into a conversation with someone. However, when I opened my eyes and looked over, both Daniel and Rori were sleeping next to me. It's been like that since we were steady in the air. To add to the fact, I can't look outside because Rori closed the goddamn window.

I'm going to pass away from extreme boredom. Why didn't Julian book us a private plane, that way I could play Scrabble with myself.

I looked around to the people next to me. A couple entranced in a conversation with themselves until one of them made eye contact with me. They waved at me, but I ignored them as I looked further down the isle, hoping they thought I wasn't looking at them totally.

My trance went back to the seat in front of me. A net full of magazines sat in front of me, and the front one with me right on the cover. I just stared at myself for the fiftieth time on this flight, scanning the same damn insecurities that I noticed before.

I should've lost a little more weight. You can see my stomach bugging out a little bit. My teeth a poking out as well. Couldn't they have chosen some other picture?

There was a little stir next to me, but I didn't pay attention. I kept my eyes focused on myself as my mind fell blank. I didn't want my drink anymore, I was a little parched, and I had no one to talk to. The steward hasn't come out in quite some time, so I couldn't ask for anything.

My eyes felt heavy, and I was blinking in and out of conscious. Then, my vision was becoming darker and darker...


I shook awake, jumping a little at the sudden saying of my name.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

I shook my head as I looked down at my hands. "No, you didn't."

There was a slight pause in the conversation.

"Have you been awake this entire time?"

"Are you going to ask me questions?" I asked, looking over at him.

"I'm just curious! Sorry, I didn't mean to bother you, your highness." Daniel replied sarcastically.

I opened my mouth to retort back, but I didn't. I adjusted my neck and laid back in the seat, setting down my drink in front of me. Daniel sighed next to me, putting his hand on top of mine for a moment, before removing it suddenly.

"Sorry." Daniel whispered.

"That's alright." I mumbled, hoping inside that he would have just left his hands there.

Daniel must have felt the same thing because his hand hesitantly hovered over mine. It inched closer before our pinkies touched. It sounds so fucking stupid, but I'm only telling the truth. I grew impatient and turned to Daniel in a sudden motion.

"What kind of game are you playing, Daniel?!" I spat at him.

Daniel jumped back. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about, Daniel! You play Romeo with Rori, and then-"

"Woah, woah, woah. I do not play Romeo with Rori" Daniel shook his head.

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