[Chapter 12]

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Chapter 12

 It’s been a month since he’s been alone at home. Everyday was like torture. It was unbearable. And he was surprised he was still breathing up to this moment.

He stared into the parking lot. A smile curled on his lips when he remembered Veronica’s angry face. He couldn’t believe she actually kicked the bumper of his car. Didn’t she know it was made of steel? Unconsciously, he laughed. Typical Veronica.

His face straightened up. And just as he knew it, he was filled with emptiness again. He dragged his feet to his condo unit. He should be happy. His mother was well. And his Dad was taking care of her. She recovered fast. And he’s never seen his Mom and Dad this happy. He should be celebrating.

But why did his heart feel so heavy? How come whenever Veronica leaves, his pained heart never recovers?

He could only be glad that she was well. She was in good health. She was fine. And she didn’t need him. A sad sigh sipped through his lips. She might have moved on… while he was left behind.

He exhaled slowly again when he got to his door. He should give this up. The whole place reminds him of her. How can he move on? Besides, he was planning on selling this unit anyways. The house he built for his family is finished. He just needed a wife and he’ll move in.

A wife…

Matt paused. He was startled when he saw everything was back to normal. It was like his bachelor’s pad again. The wedding picture was gone. And the painting that was there before was back. But what surprised him even more was seeing his wife leaving her room. She wore a t-shirt and denim pants. No Make-up. She looked lifeless… but she was still beautiful. Her attention was focused to a list she was holding.

Oh how he missed her…

His feet were nailed to the floor. He watched her every move. Each breath she took, each blink, each time her forehead creased. Veronica looked up and stopped when she saw him. No one moved. They just stared at each other.

“I-I put things back, as promised.” Veronica looked away. “I’ll send someone to pick up my stuff. And…” she swallowed and looked at him again. “I’m setting you free, Matt. It’s officially over now. We don’t need to pretend anymore. I already consulted a lawyer and he’ll bring the annulment papers tomorrow. I’ll just keep you posted. I’m done here.” She walked towards the door without even looking at Matt.

“Annulment?” he scoffed. He felt like there were knives stabbed at his chest. His eyes followed his wife. He wanted to greet her. He wanted to ask if she was really okay. He wanted to ask if she was still mad at him… if she could forgive him… if he could hug her tightly even once.

“Yes, that’s what you want, right?” she turned around and glared at him. He saw the pain in her eyes.

“When I said my vow I meant it,” his voice was quiet.

She stopped walking and looked at him.

“I have to go.” She turned her back on him

“Didn’t you hear me?” his tone was desperate and his eyes were begging. “I meant it when I said I do.”

Veronica turned around again, tears streaming down her face before she smiled bitterly. Pain crushed his heart as she stared at her husband. “Why are you doing this Matt? Why do you always touch me where it hurts me most? It’s hurting me! So please, let’s end this! I know everything. I knew why you married me. I knew it from the very start. Because you want revenge. Because you wanted me to suffer everyday for what I did to you. But you know what hurts the most? My only wrongdoing was loving you too much!” she pointed at his chest, her face wet with tears.

Matt was speechless. Elaiza had said it before but he wouldn’t believe it. And now he was hearing it from Veronica. What was he supposed to feel?

“Yes, from the very first time I saw you, I loved you! And because of that blasted feeling I chose to leave you. Because I didn’t want you to get hurt. Because I’d rather take the pain for you! But I’m tired of hurting, Matt. I just want to let go. I’m tired of hurting…” she spoke in between sobs. “I’m tired of loving you. I’m tired.” She shook her head as tears continued to pour out and trickle down her already soaked face.

Matt approached her and pulled her into a hug, but she swiftly pulled away.

“Veronica -”

“Save it. I don’t want to hear any of those lies anymore.”

“You got it all wrong. Let me explain… Honey, I’m so sorry. Please let me explain-“

“I don’t need your explanation, Matt. And I won’t believe it!” she shook her head. “I will never believe it. I don’t want to see you ever again. And I mean it.”

Matt grabbed her wrist. “Please Veronica just listen to me goddamn it!” Before she could pull away, he pulled her into a kiss, a slow, gentle, passionate one. Veronica repeatedly hit his chest, but as they got deeper into the kiss her rage faded and she wrapped her arms around his neck. She closed her eyes and let herself slip into the moment.

“God, I missed you so much,” he cupped her face and planted kisses all over her face when their lips departed. Veronica couldn’t stop herself from burying her face in his chest. She felt the rapid beating of his chest. Matt embraced her tightly and pressed his lips against her forehead.

“Oh, Matt… What took you so long?” she looked up. Matt kissed her again with the gentlest motion that made her heart ache.

“You made a mistake about coming here.” He smiled. “It’s either you’re staying or you’ll have to take me with you, honey.”

Veronica hugged him even tighter. He tucked her hair behind her ear and cupped her face again. “I’m sorry… I admit, I meant to hurt you. But I ended up being wounded. I never thought that hurting you would bring me the most painful kind of pain. I just realized that I love you so much, Veronica. I just couldn’t bring myself to tell you. Because I don’t want to get hurt again...”

There was a slight smile on her face, her eyes lingering on his.

“I thought I died when you left…” he added, “But when you came back, my heart came to life. I thought my heart died already. It didn’t. It just went with you. And when you returned, you gave it back to me… my heart… my life. The thought of you leaving me again was killing me… I barely survived the first heartbreak. I won’t be surprised if I die the next.”

Matt smiled at her causing her insides to melt. Suddenly, he knelt in front of her.

“I’m not prepared for this. There should be flowers and candles and music. But just, bear with me honey.” Puzzled, Veronica watched Matt take something out from his pocket. A small velvet box… Velvet box? “Will you, Veronica Marie Sandoval marry me? For real?”

She felt her heart drowning in happiness as she looked at the ring and at the face of the man she loved.

“Of course, Matt. I will marry you for real!” she nodded with a grin on her face. He stood up and picked her up, spinning her around as she hung onto his neck. Matt put the ring on her finger and kissed her again.

This time, it will be for real… and it’s going to be forever.

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