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Hey guys!

This book is fairly new, and I've been wanted to write this for a few weeks now.

As a person that struggles with anxiety, I've wanted to write this with a strong passion.

Helping people has also been a big deal for me for as long as I can remember.

But if you are a person that is easily triggered, then I suggest you read something else.
Even as the author, it was quite the challenge to write about these topics.

So be warned.

Some of the mental health problems I'm writing about I am not familiar with, but people I know are. This book is dedicated to all the people who struggle with an illness.

Whether it's physical or mental, this book is for you!

I love you, and I'm always here if you wanna talk... just send me a message

I'm always a good shoulder to cry on :)

Stay safe, and remember that you were put on this earth for a reason!

Virtual hugs xoxo


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