Chapter 1: Advice or Warning

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"Layna.. Get up! Time for school." my mom screamed.

"Coming..." I groaned.

Why couldn't my mother understand my reluctance in going to a new school ?

C'mon cut me some slack... I mean it's been just three days since we moved to this new city, and I already have to start going to school.

"Layna! Make a move." my mom screamed.. again!

"Yes mother." I said while grinding my teeth.

"Behave." she replied in an eerily calm voice.

"Yes mother" I said in high pitched, mocking tone.

Time to.. make a move!


"Now remember to smile and have a good day.." she finished.

It seems that my facial expressions were unknowingly reflecting my feelings.

As this was my first day at Jasper High School, I had to attend to the steps taken by a newb.

Where my first step was to have a "welcome" chat with the principle.

..and the first step is complete.

As I exited the principal's office and came in the hallway, my thoughts drifted to my friends of my previous school. I really hope they were missing me.

Suddenly, my leg came in contact with something hard and I fell to the floor with a thud!

"Are you okay?" a soft voice asked. Presumably a girl.

"Yeah... I just gracefully landed on my butt.. nothing new." I replied.

When she cleared her throat, I realised I was staring at the floor.

As I looked up I saw a pretty girl with wavy, dark brown hair and thick rimmed, black glasses; leaning and offering me her hand.

After I accepted her hand and was pulled up, I saw the reason I fell to the ground.

Which was a black... thing.. right next to her.

"It's my biology project." she said as she saw me staring at it.

"Oh! Uhh.. It's pretty.. !" I awkwardly said.

"No it isn't. It's supposed to be a kidney stone." She said with a blank expression.

I hesitantly let out a giggle. Something I do when I feel awkward.

She suddenly snorted and started giggling maniacally. Her laugh was contagious and I soon caught on and started laughing too.

"Ehmargawd! You shoulda... seen your... Omg!" She said in between her laughs.

We kept on laughing for quite some time.

Then she extended he hand and said- "I am Bree."

"I am Layna.. I am new.. and I am a sophomore." I said while shaking her hand.

"So am I! Well, Layna I think we are going to be good friends."

I giggled, yet I really hoped I would stay friends with her.


I let out a sigh as I came in step with the other students who were going to the cafeteria for lunch.

Till now, nobody - with the exception of Bree - has tried to talk to me.

I mean sure there have been people who have welcomed me ,but only in front of some teacher.

Suck ups!

As I entered the lunchroom, I heard all sorts of chatter.. monkey chatter. I smelt a mixture of stale food, cheap perfume, expensive perfume, cologne and sweat.

I saw that the whole cafeteria was divided in groups.

By the looks of it, they were easily differentiable.

You had your Asian Nerds, Cool Asians, Varsity Jocks, Unfriendly Black Hotties, Girls Who Eat Their Feelings, Girls Who Don't Eat Anything, Desperate Wannabes, Burnouts, Sexually Active Band Geeks, The Greatest People You Will Ever Meet ...and The Worst.


Just quoting 'Mean Girls'. But you get the gist.

In one of corner tables, I spotted Bree and decided to eat lunch with her.

I took my lunch of spaghetti and meatballs, to her table. The moment she saw me approaching she cleared the chair next to her and tapped it. Taking it as cue to sit, I sat.

During lunch, she introduced me to the rest of her friends, Juniper and Tash.

From what I saw, Juniper kept on sobbing about some guy called Jake (her boyfriend, I presumed) and Tash kept consoling her.. but at some moments she looked like she wanted to slit Juniper's tongue.

Okay, that might be a little too violent. But in my defence, her death glares were enough to scare me.

I did chat with Bree though. We share similar interests and same sense of humour, so we were able to have a seemingly endless conversation.

After lunch, school passed quickly.

By the time, my last period- biology came I was ready to head home.

After another introduction of me, I was given my seat which was on the bench where a guy wearing a hoodie was sitting alone.

When I sunk down in my seat, the guy nudged me and said "Don't get too comfortable."


"Just an advice.. or as a warning if you want."

Well ok!

The guy was too rude and arrogant for his own good.

I mean sure, the guy was sculpted to perfection. As corny and cheesy as it is.. he looks like a Greek God! C'mon you can dip a nacho in it.

He has wavy, brownish-black hair, mesmerising dark brown eyes and a chiseled jaw.

But looks aside, his personality is enough to turn milk sour.

After getting "advice" from him.. I kept peeking at him from the corner of my eye.

Peeking as to avoid him catching me in the act.

As usual my plan failed and when he caught me looking at him, he blankly stared straight into my eyes. After which I turned into a tomato and ran out as soon as the bell rang.. indicating that the school was over... for the day.


A/N :

Hi Buttercups..!

Was it good?!

Was it bad?!

Was it awesome?!

Or plain rad?!

Just kidding.. Maybe.. Not!

I was wondering whether green apples are better than red apples.


Hope you enjoy the story..

Paste a smile on your lovely faces!

Also a pic-cha of Layna on the side and enjoy the song 'Sugar' by Maroon 5. I <3 the video!

Hope you enjoy the story!



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