Market Run

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oOoOoOo Night one OoOoOoO

Tonight you dream your a homeless little British boy that is trying to help his homeless family. Your not related to everyone but you still love them like family since they were always nice to you. You and your sister gout to do your famous "Market Run" Out side you see there is a long line of people down each side walk, the queen is coming. You climb down from a ruined building, your home.
"Is she going to tear it down today" Your little sister asked.
"Nope" you say confidently "I've got a plan. We need to do the market run but with a twist."
"What's the twist?" your little sister asked.
"The twist is after we get the food we need we'll call for the queens help and tell her that the store had been robbed by two imaginary kids so she'll focus on them instead of are building." You said proud of you plan.
"Let's do it" your sister said giving you a high five.
You stroll down to the shop witch is also one of the Queen's many factories that pollute the city's sky.
"Man the Queen's factories really know how to pollute the sky, you can barely see any blue behind all of the smog the factories produce." You say cofing from all the polluted air in your lungs.
You are now in the half convenient store half factory. You grab a wrench from the toolbox by the door and drop it yelling that the factories going to explode.
"Works every time." You say smugly.
Now that everyone was gone you start taking food from the store. You ask the cashier If he had any pokemon cards or anything of that sort,he said he didn't and that you should leave soon the queen was coming. You told him your plan and he agreed to do it. You followed his advice and left threw the back door. You reach into your pocket and grabbed on of the kit kat bars you took and took a bite. Just then you passed the queen.

oOoOoO End of Night one oOoOoO

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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