lost then found

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being the Grandmaster of a Ninja clan can be hard epically with every little threat Hiroshi was sitting on his little thrown when his significant other Elektra came into the room with a sadden look on her face

Hiroshi Beloved what is wrong?

Elektra it's May she passed away due to a heart attack

Hiroshi I know what I must do

Elektra go get Peter

Hiroshi Exactly the last time I saw him was when My Mother and Stepfather died.

Meanwhile in New York

Peter was visited by The Avengers but for some reason his spidey sense went off it was the Hand they had sent four Ninja's to kill Peter before he Could react Wraith and four Shirai Ryu Ninja's showed up to the Hospital and stopped them one got a Shuriken in the eye another his Neck snapped the third one got his throat slit and the final one was taken out by Wraith throwing a Fire Ball.

Iron man why is it every time you show up it turns into a God Damn Massacure

Wraith I have come for the Boy

Captain America Why Hiroshi

Wraith because Cap Peter is my Half brother I was the result of our mother having a affair

Iron Man okay so what the Kid can be part of your Ninja Cult?

[Wraith clenches his fists but Captain America Defuses the situation]

and Wraith takes off the Mask and Put's his weapons in the Car

Hiroshi now if you excuse me I ,have to see my little brother.

Hiroshi went into the Hospital again but this time went into the room Peter was in they Hugged and they caught up on everything that happened when they get outside there are Several Shirai Ryu Ninja's waiting with a Limo

Hiroshi Do you want to get your Stuff

Peter Yeah what about My friends


Tundra was Chasing some random thugs for attempting to Rape a Single mother when he caught up to Them they where frozen Solid then Tundra left the seen returning the woman's purse to her The woman wanted to repay him So Tundra was given a free Hotpocket and he asked the woman's name she replied Julia Carpenter Tundra then went Back to his Apartment where he is Roommates with Jen Walters aka She Hulk

She Hulk so I herd you beat the shit out of Guys that tried to Rape Julia

Tundra yes they were without Honor.

She hulk so you ever herd from your Cousin?

Tundra May Parker Died.


Johnathan Cage was perusing Some Black Dragon Thugs what remained of Kano's thugs he ran into Kano's son Kano Jr

Johnathan our family has fought for years Kid you don't need to be like him

Kano Junior but he wanted me to be exactly like him

Johnathan just tell me what they are planning and I will try to grant you Leniency

Kano Junior Next Week there planning something Big

Johnathan and what would that be

Kano there going to Assassinate J.Johna Jameson

Johnathan you know personally I should just let them Kill Him.

Time skip two weeks later

Peter still Go's to Midtown high Peter's team now lives with Him Hiroshi is fair he just has a short temper when Peter came home crying about this boy Flash Thompson making fun of May Being Dead so Hiroshi was called for a Parent Teacher Conference

Principle Colson Listen Mr Hizazhi I know you are Angry but we need to Handle this civilly

Hiroshi this is the fifth time in Two weeks and nothing has been done about it

[flash's mom say's her son would never do this and this whole matter be dropped entirely]

Hiroshi Listen lady I don't care who you are or about your perfect son. but My Brother has been through Hell and your son Can't help but be a little Prick so if this is not dealt with there will be Hell To pay.

[Hiroshi Leaves the School with Peter ]

and So Hiroshi Peter and Elektra went out for Pizza

Peter you should have seen it Hiroshi looked like he was about to rip Flash's Mom head off

Elektra that's what I love about Hiroshi he is extremely over Protective

Peter I think that i'm going to like it here

Hiroshi your god damn right.


Tundra was doing the dishes when there was a knock at the door suddenly three hand Ninja's burst into the Apartment He Freezes two of them while the last one is taken out by She Hulk as she smash's him into the ground.

Tundra him weird why would the hand attack us it makes no sense

She Hulk i'll contact Nick meanwhile we need find a place to crash for the night

Tundra what about Bruce and Betty?

She hulk it's ten at night

Tundra and your point is

She hulk aw fuck it i'll do it happy now?

Tundra very much so.

Time skip


Well Justice had been served and Flash was suspended for two weeks but this Friday Midtown high would be taking a field trip to Stark Tower which some how thanks to Elektra got Hiroshi to sign up as a Chaperone and which he was slightly annoyed by but as fate would have Elektra got signed too and there group is Peter,Luke,Danny,Sam,Ava,Harry and Mary Jane Watson and today Hiroshi and Elektra where at the store getting stuff for the Field trip.

Elektra your Nerves will be tested

Hiroshi I know but if anything happens to Peter

Elektra I know you'll go ape shit snap and kill a lot of people

Hiroshi I got a call from My Cousin Kai this Morning saying that him and Jen where attacked as welll by the Hand

Elektra are they alright
Hiroshi what kind of question is that

Elektra my apologizes

Hiroshi yeah the three got killed freeze then shedderd into a million pieces

Elektra damn that's just cold blooded

Hiroshi say's the woman who's in love with a Human Demon Hybrid.

Author's note

what did you think

yes later in the story Tundra will get with She Hulk so I have a voting session for who the Love interest for Johnathan cage will be here are the choices




Black Widow

Shadow Cat

Squirrel Girl

Captain Marvel

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2020 ⏰

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