Chapter One | Killian

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The sun had just risen above the horizon line, golden light pouring in through the window. Jasper lay on the bed across the room, shirtless and with a large makeshift bandage wrapped around his abdomen. He was laying on his back, one hand resting on his muscular chest and the other over his face. Tousled, dark hair fell in front of his eyes.

Although his friend was injured and isolated from most of the group, there were still whispers and mutters of the valiant rescue for their group leader, Tom. Jasper had risked his life and quite literally taken a bullet for the other man. The rest of the group loved him for it, and yet Killian wasn't even allowed to be near him without somebody right outside of the door. 

Even with Renier's gang beaten back and Killian's rejection of Jackson's second offer to go with them, what little trust the rest of the group had for Killian had dissipated like the morning dew outside. It had been almost a month since the incident, and they made sure that Killian knew where his place was in the group hierarchy. Almost constant jibes he could do nothing to dispute was part of his everyday life now. Of course, that was nothing new. 

The gunshot to Jasper's stomach had confined him to his bed for a week or two, carefully checked up on every few hours by doctor Cohen. He had been given the go ahead to walk around and help out with smaller tasks about five weeks in. Although Cohen had cleared him, Jasper was still constantly reminded to be careful. A few of the group members would rather trip over their own feet than to let Jasper do anything on his own anymore. Killian could tell his friend was frustrated to say the least.

The wound had gotten infected once, which was why he'd been kept away from the group again. Luckily, half a week later, he was looking better now. His skin was less pale, the sweat on his forehead had cleared. But those few days of Jasper battling back fever and sickness were the most frightening Killian had experienced since the biters had first shown up. Now with Jackson gone, Jasper was all that Killian had left. The idea of him waking up to find out that Jasper had died had been a very real one those past few weeks. Killian wasn't sure how he'd cope without the annoying, gentle giant he'd learned to appreciate.

A soft shuffling from across the room caught Killian's attention. Jasper was finally stirring awake. He had a bit of trouble sitting up, but he managed without needing any help. Getting up and laying down was painful for Jasper, Killian knew, but walking wasn't so bad. He still remembered those pained screams of agony from his friend when Cohen had gone fishing for the bullet lodged in his abdomen. Killian was almost certain Jasper was going to die then. Even thinking about it made him nauseous. 

"Hey, Boy Scout." Jasper said, a small smile curling at the corners of his lips. He looked absolutely exhausted, with dark circles under his eyes. Jasper had been frequently exhausted ever since his wound started healing, with Cohen explaining that exhaustion was a normal part of the process. In result, Killian had made sure to hunt extra long each day, just to bring Jasper something good to eat. The marine needed to keep his strength up, which Killian knew he couldn't do on an empty stomach. "What are you doing up so early? The birds aren't even out yet."

Just hearing Jasper's voice made Killian's body relax, something about it was always comforting. It was hard to find the words to speak as the sunlight caught those familiar and warm, beautiful blue eyes. Killian wasn't usually so fond of nicknames, but coming from Jasper, he found it easier to tolerate. After a few moments of his lips parted speechlessly, Killian finally managed to find his voice. "I was just worried about you," He replied. Every time he spoke to Jasper now, all Killian could remember was how close he'd been to losing the last person who cared about him. 

A soft, rumbling chuckle rolled through Jasper's chest as he said, "You're always worried about me." That idiotic, impish grin once again stretched across his face. Killian absolutely hated it. That was the one smile that he simultaneously hated and yet, couldn't be mad at.

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