Training with falling flowers Part 13

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A/n: Hello random people on the internet! I'm here to say I love all you guys and gals (not in a sexual way) without you I would not be writing. Thanks again and to the story.

Your pov at flowerfell

"This is the au 'Flowerfell' and you will left be here for training and I have to leave right now," Ink leaves and I'm left in this au "Hey don't you know how to great a new pal?" a voice says being me "Hello Flowerfell sans," I turn around tucking my hands into my pockets "Ink left me here to train and I'm not shacking your hand for I don't trust you enough to," "So your the kid Ink told me about," bones fly at me and knifes fly at the bones hitting them in mid air "Hey sans ... wanna have a terrible time?" "Just checking if you kiddo," we start walking towards a house and a older Frisk with buttercups all over her "Hello sweetheart this is Y/n, Y/n this is Frisk," she waved at me and I wave back, now I wonder how she sees with all the buttercups "Come-e on i-in," she studdered "What's wrong honey?" behind her I see Chara "Is it Chara?" I ask, Chara flys at me with a knife and my instincts react by making a wall of knifes shooting from the floor and then summoning some to stab from behind and forward "THE BLOODY HELL Y/N?!?" "Sorry just Chara flew when at me and my instincts took control," he signaled at my eye and I realized that it was still shooting f/c so then I forcefully turn it off and it turns on by Chara flying at me again and I surround her with knifes in a ball then I make the knife face her and then I make the ball smaller and smaller then I teleport to her making a platform of knifes under me I make her soul red for her to take more damage then I yeet her into a wall of knifes then I crush her with knifes and then fall down to the ground out of energy "Damn you wasted your energy," "Didn't you see Chara?" I say standing up "She died a long time ago,"

Flowerfell's Chara pov

Damn this guy is strong and sexy adding he can see me so I stand up with my hp at 1 and walk at him and I unsummon my knife "Hey there partner," he summons knifes at me and I learned his way already so I dorged "Don't worry I won't bite," he went into bad time mode and he tried standing me from all sides and then he did a knife hell but I dodge "The hell are you?" I walk towards him and he faints and I was standing right in front of him then he tries to stab me with a knife he summons but I dodge "Damn it, is this how I'll die?" I summon a knife and do the 999 knife swing. "Hey you thought I'll stand there and take it?" he dodged "ST-TOP," yelled Frisk but Y/n he said his name was already was in bad time mode ( 'Versus Nightmare - Minecraft Dream Boss Battle Theme' starts playing I can't download from YT or put the link so yea look it up) "I will die in a fight not to be a waste," he says with a beam going from his eye 

Your pov

I'm filled with determination, bravery, justice, kindness, patience, integrity, perseverance, and hate "Everywhere it's kill or be killed," Chara showed me her most prized weapon and I'll use it ageist her and teleport and 999 knife slash she dodges and I teleport behind doing it again "I won't bite," I do another slash "I'll rip your arms off," and I start teleporting faster and faster and I see a opining and " 'All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.' Sun tzu the art of war," I tell a bleeding Chara and I unsummon the knife and go normal and see FF Sans and Frisk staring at me "I got a bit cared away did I?" "Yea considering you learned the 999 Knife slash from just seeing it," "Hello! I'm back Error almost destroyed a au," "Good to see you balk Ink Y/n learn how to do the 999 knife slash," FF Sans told Ink "Wait a second, Y/n do this," Ink told me summoning a Gaster Blaster and I did the same "A one in a trillion soul, a knife guard, AND a copycat ability? Y/n I think you may be stronger than me and Error if you learn how to use your powers wisely," "Welp now I have no reason to slack off now do I?" "Yes you don't have one, know follow me," He made a portal so I did too "You can stop you copycat now follow me "You will learn here and don't leave til you finish," I see another sans (Dustfell)

' Sun tzu the art of war," I tell a bleeding Chara and I unsummon the knife and go normal and see FF Sans and Frisk staring at me "I got a bit cared away did I?" "Yea considering you learned the 999 Knife slash from just seeing it," "Hello! I'm ba...

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"You made me kill everyone now you'll pay," he says. He slams me to the ground and summons red blasters that I dodge but one hit me and took a big chunk of damage, "Since you want to play bad I'll play bad," I make his soul red and summon his own blasters against him and he dodges so I summon knifes too he summons purple bones that fly at me and then I start summoning purple bones, red knifes, and red blasters at him and I keep attacking not caring that I'm using all of MY energy and a knife hits him "Nice you hit me me but do it more times til I die,"  "Sure," I summon a room full of knifes and I make them all do the 999 knife slash "Wow I'm dying," He sits down near a pillar and then I send all the knifes at him and dust "That fast?" Ink said poping out of a corner "I used his blasters against him," "You can be my assistant, like when I'm doing things and someone calls my name you come, do you want this?" "I want this," "Okay you wanted this next time someone calls your taking it "INK," "That fast? Anyway it's from Underswap?" "Okay let's go," we teleport to Underswap "Hello Ink and?" said Blue "I'm Y/n, Ink's new helper in training," "I'm here to make sure nothing that bad happens so pretend I'm not here," "Okay sure thing Ink! So Y/n I need help will getting Chara out of that tree," he pointed at a tree and their was a Chara so I summon some knifes to make a platform and float up to Chara and pick them up "Thanks!" they say "No problem!" we float down to the ground and I hear another 'INK' "Another one so I'll take it," I make a portal before Ink and I see Frisk (from our au) "Y/n?" "I'm Ink's helper now so yea, I'm taking requests for him and I wasn't expecting to come here so early on, like I knew I had to come here sooner or later," "Well just don't show your face because everyone except Chara thinks your dead," "So where are we?" I look around only to see trees "I remembered sans said if in trouble call 'Ink' so I called him and got you," "Explain the situation," "I was walking in the forest and got lost," I summon a platform of knifes and I hold my hand to Frisk. She takes it and we fly above the trees "This is like the 'show you the world' part from Aladdin," "But I let go of you your skull will be crushed from this height," we finally look above the trees and see our past home. (little time skip) We start landing and I hear 'Y/N!' coming from the window I look and see Chara "I'm sorry I had to leave Chara just---," "It's not okay, you left almost everyone in this house worried and thinking it's their fault---," "No I don't understand that pain and now in this au I'm a suicidal murderer, anyways," I say hearing 'INK' getting shouted and I make a portal "Cya got to go," I jump into the portal "HELP!" I hear and I go into bad time mode immediately and I see


A/n sorry for the cliff hanger I want to get this chapter out. 

REEEEE also this text you are reading is to get this chapter to 1500 words yea now to write words that have no meaning in the alternate universe. 1275 I need more words, megalovaina? more like mega-lol-vaina. Please all I want is 1500. 1493 1494 1495 thanks now 1500 words yay!

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