Part 1

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A/N: Hello there. If you're here you probably watched abominable saw that it was amazing and complimented Jin's hair atleast once. I've probably done it over a thousand times and that's all lol. Also here i am doing this story while not finishing two others i have cuz i'm too lazy to.

Also this is old af so the writing ✨sucks✨

Y/N is Yi's sister. When her dad passed away the whole family fell apart,except for Yi and Y/N. Y/N liked staying at home and being on her phone all the time. She watched lots of movies and series, owns a bunch of fanaccounts, so she's really 'busy' in her own world. She loves music and sings pretty well. She likes writing songs about movie characters (A/N: i totally didn't say that just because i'm obsessed with Taylor Swift and she just wrote an entire album about non-existent people...) and Y/N helps Yi get her money by working in an ice cream shop

Y/N and Jin used to be best friends. It's been going on until they were 12 years old, that's when Jin became a jerk and their friendship ended. But they live next to each other and Y/N plays basketball with Peng a lot so they still see each other once in a while but they don't even speak to each other, no matter how hard Peng is trying to get them to be friends again.

And well now yea onto the story.

Y/N's pov

I was playing basketball with Peng in front of our house. Then i saw Yi coming towards us and went to her. "Hey, how was your day?" i asked her, seeing that she was well dirty since she's probably been overworking herself again. "It was okay, i got some more money, but then Jin and his friends showed up" she said and frowned. I tensed up, as i do everytime i hear his name. I can't belive he turned out to be such a jerk! (A/N: any swifties who understand this reference? No? Only me? Fine then) Jin was always so kind and caring and now he only cares for his hair and boots and girls. Plus he always makes fun of Yi! I miss the old Jin so much... Then i spoke up "Ignore them. They're all jerks anyway." i said as we started walking upstairs with Peng. "You know i heard what you said about my cousin Y/N?" Peng commented. "Did i lie tho?" i replied and Peng chuckled.

Then a familiar figure stepped out of the doors in the hallway. "What did she say about me?" Jin said and raised his eyebrow as he looked at me. "Nothing" i replied. "That's not true Y/N. You talked about me it's pretty obvious and don't think you can lie to me i know you for way too long" Jin said and smirked. This was probably the longest conversation we had in over a year. I could feel my cheeks heating up from and i hated the feeling of it. I just can't help it. Everytime i'm with him i feel butterflies in my stomach. And as much as i want to hate him, i just can't. But fake it till you make it i guess. "Whatever, let's go Yi" i grabbed Yi's hand and pulled her upstairs.

We entered the apartment and Nai Nai was standing there. "Yi where were you all day? You didn't even come home for lunch!" she said. "Yea i ate a sandwich" Yi replied. "And what's up with you Y/N? You look like you just saw a ghost." Nai Nai said. "Oh we bumped into Jin" Yi shouted as she closed the door behind her. "Yi!" i screamed knowing it won't do anything but i didn't know what to do. She was right of course but still. (A/N: hehe Atla reference. I really gotta stop being on my phone too much, i've probably watched everything on Netflix lol) Mom walked out of her room and came to me. "How was it with Jin?" she asked and smiled. She knows that we were distant but she always hoped that we would make up. "Mom it was nothing." i replied. "So he's still the way he is huh" she said. I nodded. Then Nai Nai interrupted "Y/N don't you worry about that boy, he's not worth your time. None teenage boy is they have noodles in their head!" she said and mom and i laughed. "Okay bye i'm gonna go watch Avengers age of Ultron" i said and started walking towards my room. "But you've watched that movie over a thousand times Y/N" mom said. "I know but i can't watch Endgame again. They were so much happier in that movie, ahh take me back to 2015" i said and closed the door.(A/N: sorry i just can't help myself. I have to include the things i love)

Yi wasn't in the room anymore which must mean that she climbed out of the window to the roof. I decided to see what was she up to before i go watch the movie. I climbed up and saw Yi sitting on the rooftop. "Hey, let's go count the money we made today okay?" i said, she turned around and nodded. Then she stood up and we started walking to the tent? (Idk what exactly is it.)

We walked inside and there was a Jeti! In front of us. Yi almost started screaming but i covered her mouth with my hand. The Jeti saw us and looked at us. We both slowly backed up and then a helicopter appeared behind us. The Jeti seemed scared so we quickly covered him. The helicopter flew away and me decided to go get some food and medicine for him. I told her that I'll stay here with the Jeti and she goes for the stuff we need.

She came back and we slowly walked in. The Jeti hesitated but started eating the food. And while he was busy doing that we slowly put some medicine on his arm, that was injured. The jeti seemed to be comfortable with us so he walked out and we followed him. We found out that he was from Everest so we decided to name him Everest.

Then we played with Everest and he was so soft and fluffy i could just cuddle with him until i die. But then someone walked in and saw us. I didn't see who but someone screamed.

Jin's pov

I needed to get something from the roof for mom and Peng insisted on coming too so we both went up. I opened the door and Peng walked in before me. Then i heated Peng scream. I quickly looked up and saw a giant beast eating Yi and my Y/N! I know Y/N and i aren't friends anymore and i know that it's all my fault but i just didn't know what to do. My feelings for her developed so much and i was too scared to tell her because i thought it would broke our friendship. So i started dating other girls and then i some how's ended up only hanging out with them and all the popular kids. At the start Y/N supported me and she never stopped, but i didn't even hang out with her anymore and that's how we drifted apart. I know i hurt her feelings and i also hurt mine because every time i see her the whole world just stops spinning. I really wish we could go back in times when we were still friends....

I saw a giant beast eating Yi and Y/N and screamed. I quickly called the police but Y/N ran towards me and took my phone away. "What do you think you're doing?" i asked her. "Don't call the cops Jin" she said. "And why would i do that! There's a giant beast on our roof and it's eating Yi!" i practically screamed. Y/N clicked the red button and the call stopped. "Are you crazy!" i screamed at her. Yi jumped off Everest and started explaining that he's nice and everything, but Y/N just turned her back towards me and went away, to talk to Peng. I'm such an idiot i hurted her feelings again.

A giant helicopter flew out of nowhere and Y/N and Yi were pulled on the back of that beast and the beast ran away with them. He kidnapped them! "Y/NNNN! " I screamed. She turned her head around and mouthed it's okay to me. She also sent me a smile that melted me on the inside, her smile is so gorgeous.

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