♡︎Kids when we met♡︎

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"Bye mom bye dad!" I shouted
" We love you too!" shouted Clare and Ali.
Me and my twin sister Emily strolled out of the driveway.
"How many friends do you think I'm going to make?" asked Emily.
"Uh I don't know" "I also don't really care.." I mumbled.

~at their lunch~
"me?" questioned Emma
"Yeah you"
"My names Max, what about you?"
"Emma nice to meet you"
I smiled at Max nervously.. I'd never had a friend before.. He smiled back and said "You dont need to be nervous, I'll never leave you," He said with a calming tone. I had found a friend I cant wait to shove that in Emily's face. I love my twin sister but we are SO different.
"Hey wanna meet at the park later today?" asked Max.
"Sure!" But I'll have to ask my big brother James to bring me there.. is that okay?"
"Yeah I'll have to ask my dad too, but he's embarrassing so he won't stay long" said Max
"I know my brother has a date with his girlfriend so he'll have to go early, I actually get along with his girlfriend Salma it's sort of weird." Replied Emma.
"Well I've got P.E soon" See you later Blue Eyes.." said Max while walking away with red cheeks and a dashing smile.
Emma POV: I cant belive it I HAVE A FRIEND! And I think he likes me 🥴.
I quickly checked my timetable and I found out that I have P.E soon as-well, I hope it's dodgeball or basketball.

~At P.E.~

"Okay children we are playing dodgeball, everyone line up in the middle of the pitch" said Coach Tucker
"Max team A!"
"Emma team B!"
"You are going down punk!" I said competitively to Max.
"I'm pretty sure you are though" he replied.
I was in the zone..
" 3, 2, 1, GO!!" Shouted Coach Tucker.
"Out goes Riley! Taken down by Max"
"Hannah your out! Emma caught the ball!!"
"It's down too 1 person from each team... Emma | VS | Max"

It went on and on.. but they kept on dodging.
"Ok Emma and Max we don't have the time to finish this match." Said Coach Tucker with a negative expression.
"Fine then.. well done Max" I said
"Thanks good game.." he replied

~at the park~

"So sorry Emmy but I've got to go see Salma.. Stay safe!" James said as he gave me a kiss on my forehead.
"Yeah yeah bye James."I said
I ran over to Max.
I hung my legs from the swing bars.
"Hey wanna join my club the Renagades?" he asked
"Ok" I said
"Cool so basically.. we all wear black at the hangouts and we meet at the local pool, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday." Max said
"Alright sounds fun!" I said and I smiled.
"Sorry my brother texted me he's gotta pick me up early because I've got the dentist" I said negatively
"Thats sad"
"Oh my sister is picking me up.. her name is Jessie" I said
"There she is bye!"
"Bye blue eyes..." he said with slightly red cheeks.
I walked a way, I was sort of sad I had to leave earlier than I wanted too.
"Alright I've got to drop u off home so dad can take you too the dentist ok?" Jessie said.
"Ok.." I said
"Your welcome at least I'm not going to embarrass you like James would, in front of your boyfriend." She said.
"He's not my boyfriend!" I whispered because I didn't want Max to hear.
"Yeah yeah ok..."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2020 ⏰

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