Lukadrien - Next to Eachother

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            Thud! "Owww" Adrien rolled to his side and pushed himself to a sitting position. He was on the floor. He presumed he had hit his head on the way down from his bed from the lump. "Great way to start the morning." His kwami Plagg sailed out from his temporary bed in the bookcase above Adrien.
"Clumsy as ever and you woke me up. Thanks." He garbled.
"Good morning to you too, Plagg. Go back to bed if you want I'll try and be quiet." Adrien glanced over to clock which doubled as a projector, it read '3:17 am'. 'Not so morning I guess' he thought "Don't have to tell me twice." He sailed back up and Adrien only shook his head. He couldn't remember what he had been dreaming about only that he had felt comforted, and safe.
It was Saturday and as much as Adrien wanted to sleep he was certain that wouldn't be happening anytime soon.
"Actually Plagg, I've got a better idea."
"Does it involve me getting up?"
"Then you can shove your idea where the sun don't shine."
"Doesn't." Adrien corrected. He knew Plagg wouldn't get up willingly so he had to bring out the big guns. He cracked open a fresh package of Camembert cheese. Once the kwami got a whiff not even sleep could entice him away.
"Okay, you got me. What do you want?" A garbled, barely understandable sentence.
"Oh no."
"... claws out!" Chat Noir now stood where Adrien had been. He hopped to the windowsill and balanced perfectly. He felt like an acrobat. The city at night was his favourite view. He'd had far too many late nights just looking at it. He extended his staff (there really is no way to make that not sound gross) and started making his way along the roof tops of Paris. The only time he really got to enjoy this city was as Chat Noir. There were few places he could go as Adrien. Marinettes he supposed but he knew she'd be sleeping. Otherwise... Lukas.

           Luka was a night dweller and he relied on those late nights to do some of his best writing. He rolled out of bed blowing a sigh in discomfort. His blue hair was hanging in front of eyes. He refused to write with his hair like that so he stumbled to the houseboats only bathroom and grabbed one of Julekas many hair ties strewn everywhere. "Much better."
He strode back to his room grabbed one of his guitars and headed to the back deck connected to his room. He looked over the Siene and felt comforted. This was one of his favourite views. The Paris lights reflecting off the water made him feel calm. Something slick and black caught his eye jumping over the rooftops. Chat Noir. His first thought was to wonder what he was doing out so late. His second... his second was to admire how fit he was in the skin tight suit. He focussed himself back onto his writing noting that the black cat had stopped chasing imaginary butterflies.

"Am I allowed to look at him like that" Luka began to sing.
"Could it be wrong, when he's just so nice to look at
And he smells like lemon grass and sleep
He taste like apple juice and peach
Ohhh with his golden waves they came to me he claim
And he... means everything to me ohhh...
And I'll be okay admiring from afar
Cause even though he's not next me we're not very far apart."

It was a rough draft and he only had a few chords to strum in between but Luka was happy with the result. And the reaction he got from chat Noir was just as good. The cat had sat completely still. Perched like a dancer on a high wire listening to Luka as if his life depended on it. They made eye contact and something hung in the air between them. A wire of electricity. It heated up every part of their bones.

Luka was the first to break off and Chat Noir felt a trickle of disappointment. Luka walked back into his house but Adrien could've sworn he saw the shadow of a wink. "Did he know I was there?" Adrien wondered to himself making his way back home. He hopped through his window. "Claws in."
"Oh my bed my sweet sweet bed" Plagg yelped and flew directly to his tiny cushions and makeshift blanket. "How I've missed you." He yawned and settled in. Adrien looked at the time to see how much time he had to sleep before he woke up for his Chinese lesson. "4:22? It's only been an hour?" Adrien couldn't ignore the fatigue that had swept over him but he could've sworn it felt like an eternity spent on that ledge staring at the bluenette. He slipped into his bed letting the exhaustion wash over him. Subconsciously his hands began to slide down to pants and begin to stroke. His thoughts dipped into images of Luka. First watching him on the balcony strumming his guitar. Then they shifted into thoughts of him pushing Adrien against a wall. He blushed at the thought and stroked harder. Up and down, up and down. He stifled his moans by biting the blanket. In his mind Luka now had him pinned to his bed, ripping off his shirt and then Adrien's. Before Adrien could finish the fantasy the fantasy had finished him. He let out one last stifled moan and relaxed his muscles. That was the best orgasm he'd had in a while and it was to the thought of another boy. THAT was different.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2020 ⏰

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