Chapter 1

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"BEEEEEEP" "BEEP" Gosh damnit i forgot to turn off my alarm clock stupid thing waking me up at 7:00am i mean who wants to wake up this early definitely not me. Right now i really hope the person who invented the stupid alarm clock is dead because if they aren't I may just have to kill him myself. I know what you're thinking omg she's so violent well guess what I have a good reason to not want to wake up and get back into reality, you know why because i work for a fucking gang. So I have my reasons to be moody. I grab the plug and un-plug the alarm making the noises finally stop. Finally some peace and quiet, right before i fell back to sleep in my cozy bed a loud knock sounded at the door reluctantly I opened it. "Amanda Mr.Bass is requesting your presence in his office" Ryan said, "Let me guess a new mission" "how'd you know?" he asked while smirking. I rolled my eyes "because that's the only time he actually wants to talk to me" he just stood there "why are you still here dont you have someone to torture or kill". Ryan shook his head and slightly chuckled walking away, as much I hate to admit it I knew he probably did have someone to torture or kill. I quickly got dressed into my uniform which was a black top that was tight around my chest showing off a little cleavage and a leather jacket that covered my arms, and for my pants well lets just it was not easy getting them off and on. They are super tight pants that are also black with a few rips in it that show parts of my tattoo with a black belt hanging loosly around my waist with my gun in it and my shoes were of course black combat boots. I put on a light amount of makeup and then put my hair in a high pony tail. After looking in the mirror satisfied with how i look I started to walk through the huge building all the gang members including myself call home. To be honest though this place feels nothing like home but its not like i can say anything i was raised here and never lived anywhere else. Maybe I should be thankful that after my parents died my dads bestfriend who is Mr.Bass and the leader of the Night Walkers took me in but im not, i refuse to be thankful that i was raised in a gang house. I would rather have been living through foster care or put up for adoption anything is better than being trapped in a dangerous gang that won't let you have friends or a social network so pretty much im alone in this shitty life. I didn't even realize I arrived at the door that leads into the office because I was so deep in my thoughts. After taking a deep breath i slowly knocked on the door "Come in" his intimidating voice yelled. I opened the door and when I walked in he was in his fancy office chair drinking his coffee, no surprise there. "Umm sir someone told me you wanted to see me", "ahh yes sit down" he said it more like a demand then offering so immediatly I sat down. Why should I complain though I mean sitting down is way less work than standing up. "Okay so i have a mission for you-no surprise there- appearently the White lion gangs leader died in a car wreck about a month ago and his son who is 17 like you took over, with a boy leading the group they are weak and easy targets so-" I interupted him "what would you like me to do?" curiousity got the best of me because i dont see how i can help with taking down the White Lions. "I was going to tell you until you interupted me" his voice yelled at me with anger, the tone of his voice made me squish against the back the chair in fear hoping i could just disappear damn he has anger issues no wonder he is still single. After he composed himself he started explaining again "we will be sending you to this boys highschool and your job is to make him trust you i dont care how you do it just get it done and when he trusts you enough I want you to come tell me and we will figure out a way to dispose of him am I clear?" "y-yes sir very c-clear sir but um I hope you dont mind me asking but what will my cover be?" After i saw the smirk on his face i knew i wasn't going to like it "you are going to be a cheerleader because he is part of the popular crowd and your cover name will be your nickname Mandy". He handed me a file with all the information I need to know in it including a picture of this guy name Smith who im guessing is the one i am suppose to get close to. Let me just say one thing this guy is very attractive which is ging to make this mission a-lot harder than im use to. "By the way you start tomorrow so get a good night rest now leave my office" he demanded, oh how I hate highschool this is so not going to be fun. When I arrived back in my room i saw a little package on my bed inside it was a new Iphone with a cute case already on it that said Mandy. Also inside the package was a credit card which made me jump with joy because my last mission i had to play a book nerd so you could say the only clothes I have besides my uniform aren't very appealing. I cringed at the memory of that mission i had to get my hair all frizzed up wear socks that didn't match with eachother and get a professional makeup artist to put acne all over my face. This mission though i have to be a social popular cheerleader, i dont necessarily like being popular but at least i get cute clothes. After doing a little dance of joy i flipped the card over and on the back there was a sticky note that said Tell Ryan to take you shopping. I rolled my eyes of course Mr.Bass wouldnt let me leave without someone to babysit me, but at least i kinda like Ryan he isn't as bad as the rest of the creeps in this gang. After asking a few guards where Ryan was I started to walk to the gym only to find him in a heated fight with a huge dude with tattoos all over his arms and chest I dont know his name so im just gonna refer to him as the Hulk. If you looked up the word intimidating i bet a picture of the Hulk would be there that's how scary this guy is. I winced as i watched Ryan take a punch to the gut from the hulk,OUCH that looked like it hurt. By the look on Ryans face i could tell he was starting to get warn out so i knew it was time to end it. I pulled out my gun and lifted it up shooting at the cieling twice, making the guys stop fighting and the noise caused everyone to look at me. Some looked at me with annoyance and others looked at me with curiosity and shock. I cant really blame them for being shocked I mean most of the guys think the only reason Mr.Bass keeps me around is because he secretly cares about me, i know better though he doesn't care one slightest bit about me but he does value my skills which is the only reason im stuck in this hell hole. Ryan seemed to finally realize that he was just staring at me in shock and snapped out of it and ask "what do you think you are doing?" Could he be a little more grateful? "Saving your ass from getting whooped what does it look like oh and you should probably go change Mr.Bass needs you to take me shopping." Ryan started walking to his room while mumbling some not so nice words, while some guys snickered at what i said to him. I smirked because it looks like these guys respect me a little more than they did before. I started to walk to the garage filled with all the cars, right before i could open the door that lead to the garage a big buff guy stopped me and told me "Mr.Bass told me you would be coming and he asked me to give you keys to your new car" to say i was shocked would be an understatement. "N-new car" "yea" he said right before he tossed me the keys, i must of looked pretty dumb just standing there with my mouth hanging open. "Close your mouth Amanda we wouldn't want you to choke on a bug right before our huge shopping trip now would we?" Ryan said to me from behind, that definitely snapped me out of my shocked state. I can't believe it I actually get to get out of this place for a whole day they barely ever let me out unless they need my assistance with some dirty work or a mission. This is going to be a good day.

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