chapter six.

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☄▐  A CHEERFUL hum was the first thing Peter had heard that morning when Icarus entered his room, hair swinging behind her as she grinned at him

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☄▐  A CHEERFUL hum was the first thing Peter had heard that morning when Icarus entered his room, hair swinging behind her as she grinned at him. Her eyes were more green today and she seemed to be glowing. Peter wondered why.

"Morning, Peter." She greeted happily, this was their fourth session and she had to admit that he was one of her favorite patients ro attend to, "How are yoy feeling this morning?"

Peter only looked at her, his fingers twitching lightly, making the young woman grin, "Hey! Would you look at that? That's progress!" She exclaimed giddily, happy for him

She moved towards him and began to preform her usual routine before she sat down in a nearby chair and revealed a syringe from her pocket. She frowned down at it, but flicking the needle gently to make sure it was working before looking at Peter,

"Hope you like needles." She sighed, "Because I don't."

Rolling her chair towards him, she pulled up the short sleeve of his shirt and dabbed at a small patch of his skin to sterilize it for the needle, "This is my least favorite part of the job, I always feel bad." Icarus announced, positioning the needle on his skin

Her hazel eyes met his bright blue orbs and reassurance filled her eyes, "On the count of three, okay? One.. two.. three." She pushed the needle into his arm and pushed the top of it down, injecting the vaccine

She quickly retracted the needle and used an antibiotic swab to clean the injection site before placing a bandaid on it.

"Wanna hear something great?" She asks happily, looking up at Peter with a grin

Even though he couldn't respond, she took his silence as a yes, "Boston and Auggie are gonna be here in two days." Icarus exclaimed, her grin growing wider, "I'm so excited! I haven't seen them in so long, I can't wait for them to be home with me." She sighs, sitting down in front of him, "They'll be able to help with everything, make it easier for me to sleep."

Peter blinked, suddenly enraptured by the young woman before him, "It's been hard lately, my PTSD is only getting worse with time, even with the therapy." She stuffed her hands into the pockets of her scrubs, "And you are the only peson I have told, so, let's keep that between us, okay?" She smiles, her mode changing quickly

The Hale man can still feel the sadness that was pooling in her chest, "My brother, he's on the lacrosse team, and usually he isn't good, like at all. He's a disaster, worse than me, but the other day when he was playing he just kept scoring and scoring, like he was one of the best players on the team. It was incredible, I think you woukd have liked it." An idea suddenly springs into her head

"Hey, what if I see if they'll let you for a day so you can come to one of the games! And you might be able to meet Boston and Auggie!" She smiles

"They're extremely friendly if they know I'm comfortable with you, so you don't have to worry about them being mean."

The ghost of a smile dances on Peter's lips but he forces it back down. Looks like he'll be seeing a lot more of her.

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