Going Viral

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It started with a mild cough.

You didn't quite feel like yourself. A mild irritation in your throat.
Something you quickly forgot, and went straight to work. After all, you are an essential worker. Not someone the company Can do without.

It wasn't until the chills began and fever started to climb, that you realised this might be more than just a sore throat.

With the Corona scare going on pretty much in all the media outlets, you thought it would probably be wise to get tested.
Sure enough, you found yourself making an appointment for the afternoon, for the new testing site right outside the city.

Taking half A-day off, you left work under your boss's watchful eye. You could feel his disapproval gaze, as you made your way to the exit, trying not to shake when the chills got worse and worse.

The drive to the testing range was even worse than you expected. You had to stop on the side of the road a few times. The chills were frequent now. And you got light headed. You had to stay on the road. You had to concentrate and get there.

At first impression,  you still remember thinking: ' Why would would they put the testing centre way out in the boonies, in the middle of this abandoned and run down industrial zone?' Probably to keep the sick away from regular population, you calmed yourself, and made your way into the gray, massive building.
Formerly a cement factory, but now converted to do Corona testing in mass, and carrying a staff of nurses and doctors, as well as a small research lab, it was the best facility in the city. You felt a little lucky to be able to make that appointment.

A friendly nurse, wearing a mask and a smock lead you to the reception, and took your information quickly inefficiently. "Doctor Connors will be with you in a few seconds" she said, before walking away and leaving you to your thoughts.

You sat there for a while, the chills getting worse, and you... alone... in this massive building, trying to fight your fear. This can't be Corona, can it ? It's probably just a cold. It has to be a cold. It IS a cold.

You literally jump out of your seat, as doctor Connors lays his hand on your back.
"Relax,  my friend", he says with a charming smile. "Just come with me. We'll get you tested and out the door in no time".

You follow the doctor to one of the testing rooms.  A nice clean bed with paper rolled up on it awaits you.  The doctor, still smiling, approaches you with a swab and a test tube. "Let's just take a little sample, and see what we are dealing with here, shall we?".

The test is quick, a little annoying but painless. The doctor walks away with your sample, leaving you alone in the Room. "I'll be back in 15 minutes", he says. "Just make yourself at home".

You wait read it seems like a lot longer than 15 minutes. But time refuses to move. You check your watch. Than you check it again. It's been more like 45 minutes. What the hell is happening? You walk to the door and try to leave. It is locked.  Through the window, you see doctor Connors surrounded by a few other doctors. They seem worried. Arguing. He catches your glimpse through the window, waves at you and smiles. But his smile seems ungenuine. Tense.

Eventually, he enters the Room again wearing a full bio-hazard suit, reminding you of the "outbreak" movie.
"I'm sorry to inform you, that it is in fact the Corona virus. But, I think... we think, the virus has mutated. It is a strain we've not seen before. Highly aggressive. It seems to be attacking multiple systems at once. I am afraid we are going to have to keep you here for observation and treatment. We cannot risk this new strain spreading". You start to argue, but he firmly shuts you down. "It is a matter of health and national security. Don't worry, we will inform your friends and family, as well as your work. I am afraid you have to stay here tonight. It just can't be helped. But don't worry", he smiles again. "We'll take very good care of you here".

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2020 ⏰

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