Pre Show Mayhem

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It was finally showtime, their final performance until some well earned rest and relaxation, right up until they go on tour. The girls were backstage doing their sound checks and running through their choreography, making sure they had everything ready for tonight's show. They were going along as they normally would but it was evident that something was wrong, Camila kept missing her cues more often than usual, and Lauren was struggling with the words. 

'Come on guys, what is going on? We've done this a million time's before. It shouldn't be this difficult' Ally groaned, annoyed by their band mates apparent slack. 

'Sometimes even the simplest things can be difficult Ally' Lauren uttered quietly, looking up at Camila. 'We're just excited and nervous, the tours coming up and this is our last show, we'll be fine' she reassured. 

'Well we have until tonight, so it doesn't really have to be perfect right now if we make sure to step it up later' Normani eased, Dinah with her hands on her hips nodded in agreement. 'C'mon we've been here since six, let's go back to the hotel, get some breakfast, and we'll run through it again later'

The four girls followed her out, making the short journey back to their hotel. Camila and Lauren frustratingly shutting themselves in their rooms, Lauren heading for Normani and Allly's room because she didn't want to be alone right now. The remaining three bandmates huddled in the corridor

'I think i have a way we can get Camila and Lauren talking again' Dinah announced. The two girls crowded around her as she whispered to them her plan, once she had finished they nodded and headed to their rooms, grins plastered on their faces. This is going to get interesting. 

Tensions were running high, but even more so for Lauren and Camila. They were both on edge, neither one able to focus on anything other than the past couple of weeks. It was infuriating, the nostalgic feel of being on stage acting as a constant reminder for what happened the last time they were here. The moment that had been the instigator for the roller coaster time they'd been having recently.

Camila was like a dormant volcano just waiting to erupt, Dinah watching her as she paced across the room in large fast paced strides, muttering something under her breath and throwing her arms around. In several intervals releasing deep emotional filled sighs, and running her hand through her hair repeatedly. Lauren sat in with Normani and Ally as they watched her shuffle around Ally's bed uncomfortably, tapping the bedside table incessantly with her foot. They asked her what was wrong heavily persisting as each tap grew on their nerves more and more, but she continuously gave them the same answer 'i'm fine', 'nothings wrong', 'i'm just nervous'. 

As soon as Camila showed up this morning, all the girls were heavily relieved and overjoyed that they weren't going to have to go on with one band member short. But as soon as the Cuban girl came into Lauren's sights she was flooded, with images of them stood in her kitchen. The words that had gotten caught in her throat that were begging to come up, remembering the rise and fall of Camila's chest against hers, her unsteady breath, the trembling of her hands. She shut down and didn't say a word to the girl besides at the very least acknowledging her existence, she felt awful but was completely lost for words. 

She was almost glad that Camila didn't try to say anything to her either because she didn't know if she would be able to reply. They had been effectively avoiding each other and making sure they weren't left alone in a room together. The brown eyed girl, analyzing everything that happened the day before. Chronologically, back to front, in descending order, each and every detail, but not being able to recall every emotion or action in the spiralling vortex that was that afternoon. She didn't know what to do, Lauren wouldn't talk to her, she couldn't talk to Lauren. Even after how well they left everything, they weren't speechless then, why now were they only just suffering the effects of the hysterical whirlpool of it all today...  

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