Part 1 To be broken

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In a world that was filled with something lived a child a boy to be exact who was nothing he unlike any other had no power he was the very definition of plain the one thing this world reject he was quirkless. This boys name was Izuku Yagi and in many stories you've heard of he's become a hero an assasing and many other things but not this time .See in his darkness rained a light something that took away his pain a melody an anthem a beat a song it was music his light his hero the very being that saved him was music .

The story

Izuku:mum mum mum WAKE UP!!!!!

Izumi:come one mum we get our quirks today

quirks huh i used to believe in the number 1 hero it's funny how a little kid is so trusting

Toshinori:*yaaaawwwn*alright kids go to the kitchen mum and i will be there in a few 

Screw you toshinori Yagi

*yawn*mm thats right kids get to the kitchen so we can have breakfast than we can go to the quirk doctor how does that sound

Inko your nothing but a slutty bitch 

Izumi:lets go Izu so we can leave faster 

like you gave a shit

Izuku: okay little sis lets head there

if only you were who i thought you were izumi

Izumi: hey hey hey big bro what quirk do you want want 

big bro i'd miss it if it had anything in it but it was filled with nothing 

Izuku:hmm i want a quirk like superman to fly ,shoot laster super strength everything 

Izumi:i want telekenisis and then i could be like mommy she's so cool

Inko:morning kids how are you this fine morning

Izuku:morning mommy 

Izumi:morning mommy

both:were good

Toshinori :morning kiddos

Izuku and Izumi:morning dad

dad huh yeah right 

after a while the two children finished their food and with their mother they drove to the quirk doctor .

Toshinori:okay kids now where here so don't make a fuss if you get a weak quirk alright

Izuku/izumi:yes dad 

you have no right to think your my farther toshinori

it hadn't been long since the family arrived and the doctor had called them to his office the family went in and sat waiting for the results of the testing would the children get the quirks of their dream or something weaker.The doctor sat there looking at the family until he began speaking 

Doctor :well then lets get started alright would you like the good or bad news

Inko: the good news doctor 

Doctor:okay then izumi has an amazing telekenisis quirk one that rivals the number 2 hero telek 

The family was ecstatic about izumi so happy for her and her power but

Toshinori:so whats the bad 

Doctor :well izuku here has no power whats so ever im sorry kiddo

i was broken that day so why why did you ignore me

The songs that play in Izukus heartWhere stories live. Discover now