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A GROAN FELL FROM HER LIPS, she could feel the bullet inside her chest, but it had stopped right before it could reach her heart. She could hear Fury talking to someone on the radio, but she couldn't focus on that. Like the legends were told, silver was something that burned Olivia when she was stabbed or shot with it, even though she wasn't a werewolf. She turned into a large arctic wolf that could be killed with silver. How stupid was that? Her healing factor was trying to fight against the burning sensation, her jaw clenching and unclenching.

     "Olivia!" Fury hissed. The woman didn't respond. Fury looked at the portal that was bound to explode in any second. Ignoring his own pain, he leaned down and helped the woman off the floor, using one hand to carry her and another to continue to talk with Maria over the radio. The duo made it out to the tarmac where a helicopter was waiting for them. Fury quickly helped the woman on before pushing himself inside and ordering the pilot to take off. Olivia listened as the facility exploded, wincing at the loud noise that had echoed through her over sensitive ears.

Her eyes kept glowing blue before fading over and over again, but she knew she couldn't do anything at the moment. So, she sat there and dealt with the pain as they flew away. Suddenly, Fury was firing at something, that something being the truck that Loki, Clint, and Eric Selvig had escaped on. He fired and fired until a blast hits the helicopter, narrowly missing it, but not enough to not make it catch on fire.

     "Oh come on." Olivia groaned before clenching her jaw and forcing herself up before she grabbed Fury and the two jumped out of the helicopter, and as the landed the helicopter had exploded.

     "Director?" They could hear Phil Coulson calling for him over the radio. "Director?" Fury glances at Olivia, watching as she forced herself to stand up. "Director Fury, do you copy?"

     "The tesseract is with the hostile force. I have men down. Hill?"

     "A lot of men still under, don't know how many survivors." Maria answers back over the radio.

     "Sound the general call. I want every living soul not working rescue looking for that briefcase." Fury ordered.

     "Roger that." The woman responds.

     "Coulson, get back to base. Get a doctor ready for when Agent Jade arrives." Fury answers.

     "I don't need a doctor. I just need to get the bullet out of my chest before it lodges into my heart and kills me." Olivia grumbled, giving her boss a sarcastic smile. He ignored her.

     "This is a Level Seven. As of right now, we are at war." Fury looks at the brunette. "If you would've just listened to my orders―︎"

     "Something that's unlikely to happen." Olivia interrupted him.

     "You wouldn't be dying at the moment." Fury finished. The woman just shrugged her shoulders in response, offering him a small smile.

     "Well, you still have me as an agent, so, I'd say this is your fault." Olivia joked, ignoring the pain that was throbbing in her chest.

     "My fault?" Fury asked, raising his eyebrows.

     "You hired me, Nick. You're the one that's supposed to fire me." Olivia told him.

     "Well, once we get Barton back, I might just do that." He muttered. Olivia chuckled in amusement before wincing and letting out another groan. The man walked over to her, holding her up before they started to walk away, looking for a ride that would take them back to base.


Olivia laid in the hospital bed with a frustrated expression. After she was forced to go through surgery in order to get the bullet out, she had to have at least a days worth of bed rest. Though, the woman thought it was stupid seeing as she was all healed up by now. She moved her eyes from the ceiling when she saw Phil enter. She gave the man a small smile.

     "Howdy, Phil. What can I do for you this boring evening?" Olivia gave the man a sarcastic smile, making him glance at her in amusement.

     "I just thought I'd inform you―︎"

     "Oh no, what did you do." Olivia groaned.

     "I just got off the phone with Romanoff―︎"

     "Please don't tell me you told her―︎"

     "And I told her what happened―︎"

     "Oh come on, Phil!" Olivia let out another groan as she threw her head back onto her pillow.

     "Hey, be glad I stopped her from coming here right away." Phil told the woman. "I told her about Clint, and then about you, of course she completed the job before telling me she would be here soon. However, I told her she had to retrieve someone before she did that."

     "Release me, Phil." Olivia begged. "I can't spend another hour in this stupid hospital room. I'm going to go crazy."

     "Doctors orders." He shrugged his shoulders, making the woman turn her head to narrow her eyes at him.

     "You of all people don't get to tell me about doctors orders." She pointed out. He nodded his head in agreement.

     "Alright, that's true." He sighed before looking at the woman. "Just keep it easy the rest of the day, alright? Tomorrow, you can go back to breaking all of our punching bags."

     Olivia sat up with a wide smile on her face before jumping out of the bed and running over to Phil, throwing her arms around the male. "Thank you, Phil."

     He hugged the girl back. "If I get in trouble, I'm throwing you under the bus."

     "I know you will." Olivia said with a happy sigh before removing herself from the man, watching as he walked away before she grabbed her suit and went into the bathroom to quickly change, silently preparing herself to face Natasha when she got back from her retrieval mission.

" Olivia said with a happy sigh before removing herself from the man, watching as he walked away before she grabbed her suit and went into the bathroom to quickly change, silently preparing herself to face Natasha when she got back from her retrie...

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