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Callie's POV
The doctors said that Alan has a major concussion but that he should wake up any minute. I was sitting next to his bed and I heard him groan. I looked at him and he said "Callie, what's going on?" I said "hey your awake. Your gonna be ok. You had a little incident but your gonna be ok." He said "the last thing I remember is being knocked in the head." I took a deep breath and said "yeah. You got punched multiple times. By my ex boyfriend. You were trying to get him to leave but he didn't want to." He said "are you ok?" I smiled and said "better now that your awake." He said "can I kiss you." I smiled and leaned in and gave him a kiss. He said "I've been wanting to do that for a while." I said "I have too." The doctor came in and said "ok your awake. It looks like you have a pretty bad concussion so you won't be able to dance for a few weeks but I'm comfortable to send you home. As long as you have someone at home to keep an eye on you." I looked at him and said "yes he does." The doctor said "ok. I'll have a nurse come in with discharge papers." When he left I said "I'm gonna go call Val to come pick us up. Your gonna stay at the apartment with me and E." Alan said "are you sure?" I smiled and said "absolutely." When I walked back in Alan was sitting in a wheelchair and I said "Val said there waiting outside already. They didn't want to come in. You ready to go?" Alan said "yep. Let's go." I pushed him out to Val's car and Val helped him in and I sat next to him in the back since Artem was up front in the passengers seat. When we got to my apartment the guys helped Alan walk in and got him settled on the couch. I called Jenna and she said she would keep Eli for the night so I could focus on Alan. I ordered some pizza and the guys picked it up and ate some with us and when I walked them out Val said "I'm proud of you kid. Keep us updated on our guy." I laughed and said "I will." When I got back to the living room Alan said "we should probably talk about what that kiss meant." I said "yeah. We should." He said "look I really like you." I said "I like you a lot too. But I just don't know if I'm ready for a relationship. With everything that happened with Ashton I just need a little bit of time." Alan said "ok. Whatever you need." We spent the night watching movies and when we went to sleep I woke Alan up every 2 hours checking on him. It wasn't very much sleep but it was worth it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2020 ⏰

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