Introduction and form

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Hi, my (pen) name is Emilia. Together we will create the (virtually) perfect cover for your Wattpad story. I'm here to do it for you as long as you fill out the form correctly. I will take the form in private message/inbox or comments I will post them when they're ready. I know this is a long authors note before the form but if somebody is not clear on this, if there any questions, inbox, comment, something. And here's the form.

Pic (idea on pic, or a link)-
Colors (mandatory without picture information)-
Others (optional but preferred)-
Description (optional but preferred)-

Please be polite and if you don't like the cover or want it to be tweaked don't hesitate to ask :).

PAYMENT could be:
SINCERE comment on my book Ignited, Changing (if I have it up, I don't always), or this one
Follow me
Add my books to your reading list.
Dedication to a chapter of any of your books

I know that's a lot but you don't have to do all I'm just giving some options. If you do all thank you so super much thats so amazing of you, in fact it's supercalafragalisticexpialidosiois.

I'm fairly lenient, keep in mind I am an amateur they won't be professional cover, thank you for respecting that.

Also, if you want to see examples of my work check out the covers of my published works, they are all created by me; and of course the other covers in the book.

Book Cover RequestsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant