Chapter 2

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Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was a having a very bad day. In fact, you could say it was one of the worst days of his life.

It started with Peeves spilling ink down his favorite robes. The florescent pink ones with the dancing, color changing house elves. The matching hat was replaced with a dunce cap. Running out of lemon drops came next, followed closely by every tea he tried to drink going cold before it even touched his lips.

And now. Well, now he was receiving letters from both the muggle and wizarding ministry proclaiming a need of him as witness at a trial for one Vernon Dursley, to be held post haste.

No. Today was not a good day at all. He had tried to stop the trial. He really had. But when the Queen herself decides to preside over the trial in both the magical and muggle world, well, none of his titles could hold a candle to hers.

He had heard it was a favor to a friend. That she was somehow indebted to the ingrates that had taken the little shit in. With the entirety of both worlds waiting on bated breath, there was nothing he could do but watch the proceedings, and hope to hell no one realized how deeply he was involved.

He had hoped in vain. The stupid cow had blabbed that he had been paying her off to make the boy pliable. Compliant, even. From the boys own vaults, no less. He was, luckily, able to spin it as just paying for the boys expenses. That he hadn't actually known what was going on in that house.

The governor's were watching him more closely though. He'd have to be more on guard. More careful with how he spent the boys money, too.

And then. Oh, and then. The day after the trial he was surprised yet again when he received a missive from Gringotts. Announcing the revocation of his access to the boy's vaults and the reclamation of anything he had taken from within. He had destroyed his office at that one.

Nevermind his day. No. He had been having a no good, very awful, horrible week.


Harry was nervous. He wished he could have his entire family with him, but his father had decided that it would be safest if he only went with John and Sherlock and Draco. Lucius was acting as his barrister, and they had concocted a story of how Harry and Draco had met during a prep meeting and instantly recognized and accepted the soulmate bond. They had already gained permission from the courts for Draco to remain by Harry's side sighting the new bond being formed and Harry's need of comfort in the face of his uncle.

They knew the story would stick. Sev had come up with it and he wasn't a master spy for nothing.

With a plan in place and Draco's comforting hand held tightly in his, the five of them swept into the court room. Lucius guided the boys to the plantif's seats and Made sure they were comfortable and ready for the day to come, John and Sherlock taking the seats directly behind them in the gallery.

Ten minutes later Vernon was guided into the courtroom and situated at the defendants table, the guards taking great care to ensure he was properly shackled and no care at all in making him comfortable. From the glares he was getting from public and the press alike it was no hard task to guess how everyone thought this would end.

Just as everyone was settling in, the bailiff announced the entrance of the queen and bid those assembled rise. She took her seat and motioned for them to sit as well, called out the docket and got the trial started.

It wasn't a great surprise that not even five minutes in the pig had squealed. They hadn't even needed veratiserum. He had told a sordid tale of interfering headmasters and brines to mold a child into one who would willingly give their life for "the greater good". Of course, the headmaster had easily sidestepped legal ramifications even with popular opinion against him. There was simply no proof other than a mad, depraved muggles ramblings.

Still, Vernon Dursley was sentenced to life in Azkaban, and his wife was left to fend for herself and her son with no income to speak of, and owing young harry hundreds of thousands of pounds she simply couldn't procure. Her son taken from her and placed in a foster home, she was left destitute and alone. Just as she had treated her nephew.

Sherlock and John had been commended personally by the queen for their quick actions and even quicker thinking.

Harry, securely in his new stepfathers' custody had sighed in relief at the conclusion of the trial.


Sneaky. Like a snake. He had thought. Repeating it over and over again like a mantra as he sidled along the wall. Slowly coming to the open door, straining to listen in on the adults talking in the parlour.

Harry had grown in the Last few years. He had become adept at potions. Reaching a second year level alongside Draco thanks to Severus' deft tutelage. He wasn't far behind in his other studies either. Far above is, however, he was no good at.

"Harry," Severus called out, "I know you're there my heart. Come in here and stop skulking around like some bloody Gryffindor."

And that's all he needed to turn red as a tomato as he rounded the corner into full view.

He knew what they were discussing. His birthday was tomorrow. His eleventh. He had just hoped to catch at least a bit of what they were planning.

"How do you always know, Sevvy?" A smirk and a wink were the only reply he received.

Severus pulled the little trouble maker into a hug, laying a chaste kiss in the boys hair. "remember what happened last time you were sneaking around? Would you really like to see your fathers like that again?"

With a noise of distaste the subject was dropped entirely. "what are we working on today, Sevvy?" 

"Must you call me that infernal name?" He said with a groan. "I had thought to teach you and Draco Amortentia. Your father has requested you be able to brew, identify, and neutralize it."

"oh! Fun! I wonder how it will smell to me."

Draco sauntered into the room just then. Looking for all the world like he wasn't really twenty minutes late and it was actually the others that were early.

"Mate or no, you will be writing me lines after this brew, Draco." Severus drawled, eliciting a blush from the pale boy.


"Huh. That's funny. It just smells like potions normally smell." A longer wiff, and then, "well, and the smell of hair gel, I think. Draco, did you accidentally let some of your hair fall into the cauldron?"

Draco gave an affronted look and turned his back on Harry as Severus snorted, unamused and then explained, for the hundredth time, what a mate bond meant to the two boys before him.


Just a peak. Honestly, really haven't had time to write. I'll fix this up when Im not scrambling for time.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2021 ⏰

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