cold surroundings

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all you could see was darkness

black surrounded you and it closes into you

before you closed your eyes,

you see a figure

it looked like you but...

c o r r u p t e d

reader's pov

"AH!" you shouted as you felt your head hurt

you winced in pain but you have no idea why this is happening to you

you turn around to see ena staring off into the distance until they heard you

"a nightmare I hear?" ena asked

you nodded trying to grab your bearings

She makes sure you're alright before getting up

you just now realize that it was cold in here...?

wait, where are you now?

'This doesn't look like Moony's place anymore' you questioned yourself

You shivered as you only had a shirt and some pants but you needed a big sweater at this point

psshh where would you find clothes in a place like this...

but before you could answer yourself, ena handed you a...


"'d you know I was-" ena interrupted

"you seemed cold according to the place we are in right now" ena said

you blushed and gladly took the sweater

it was a tan color with a wool texture with a cat printed on it

you remembered that you told ena that it was your favorite animal

'did ena make this?' you thought

but you were too embarrassed to ask so you put it on and felt better immediately

after sinking into the soft wool, you noticed your surroundings

it looked...really beautiful

the sky was a purple blueish and chunks of ice blocks were everywhere

it looked like a painting came to life

you scooched to where ena was sitting and peer at what she was doing

she was knitting another cute sweater!

it was pretty well made too

so that explains how she got you one

"wow! I didn't know you were the crafty one ena!" you stated

ena deeply smiled at you

" aw geez! you're too nice y/n. usually, you have to pick up at least one hobby after being here for...a long time" ena trailed off

it seemed like she didn't want to talk about it so you decided not to question it

Before you could start your day, you felt tired again

This was quite weird as you've been really tired lately

you couldn't stay awake for long so you decided to...




but, you didn't notice that you leaned on ena while sleeping soundly

oh sh-

ena's pov

it seemed like they liked my sweater a lot

I'm quite happy how it turned out!

I was working on one of my own until

I heard soft snores next to me

y/n was fast asleep near my shoulder

it took me a minute to process it

I can't think straight...

what is this emotion that I feel


I just felt...a new kind of happiness with them

'This is quite puzzling' i thought

I sighed and continued my work with y/n beside me

I pulled her closer and finish my sweater

oh wow! how shall the next chapter turn out

IDK what to say lmao

(made some edits)

a good question to keep in mind

how the heck did you get here from Mooney's

;)))) welp im off (its 2 am)

"the unknown" an ena x reader fanficWhere stories live. Discover now