Beauty lies in you

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When Rudra pulls her hand, Preesha's heart races faster, she knew it was him. That feeling, that she never felt before, that feeling that gave butterflies in her stomach. She turns around to face him, and they get into lost each other's eyes for a few seconds, when Saransh comes running and calling out them to come into the party, since they were away from the crowd in a quiet hallway. They tell Saransh that they are coming, you go ahead. Rudra says you look very pretty, Preesha says too. Rudra starts praising her and her cheeks start turning pink that she couldn't look up and left, Rudra went behind her into the party. The host tells everyone to sit down for the award ceremony to start and ask everyone to quiet down. As she goes down the list and has each one up on the stage, there pops up Rudra's name. That smile that both Rudra and Preesha had. That feeling of getting what you deserved, and worked all day and night not getting enough sleep through the period. Everyone starts clapping, the claps, voices shouting out "Go Rudra" and some shouts get louder as each step he takes to get to the stage. Once he got on the stage, he collected his award and was told to stay there to tell a little speech as follows: Thank you so much guys, my fans, and everyone who love me for getting me to this award today. Because of your love, I've got strength in me to aspire even further. And most importantly, my wife and son Preesha and Saransh respectfully standing by my side through thick and thin. Preesha and Saransh deserve this award because of them I could never fail in life. Also my family, who has always given me the pleasure of life, the pleasure of being. Thank you and I hope I will entertain you for you to constantly follow me!!

*The host calls Preesha and Saransh to the stage to share their deserving of the award.

Saransh is all excited to be up there, and Preesha couldn't stop smiling, she was so happy because Rudra was happy, and with his success of how far he has gone. Saransh excidely grabs it out of Rudra's hand and says oh my god, so beautiful it is. Preesha and Rudra have a moment of stare. The stare was that long that it totally slipped off their minds that there are people around. The noises and people were blur for them. Suddently Saransh starts called out Preesha, and that's when the stare breaks. Rudr and Preesha are evenly happy, although Rudr won it. Preesha's happiness lies in him and her family. The functions ends, and people leave to go off on their own. Preesha finds an opportunity for a spot with no one so she can say congratulations to him. She tells Rudr she wants to have a convo with him privately. They go to a quiet corner with not even one noise. Preesha says congratulations Rudra, her happiness couldn't be contained. In her excitement, she falls into a hug with him. And Rudr is left with only putting his arm around her, equally happy. Preesha pulls away, her cheeks glowed bright red. Rudra smiles. They are back into the party. Soon after, it was dinner time. Dinner was set out, and people took whatever they want to eat- like a buffet style. Rudra decides to get food for Preesha to while he gets his. Rudra asks Preesha what she wants, she agrees. she has a plate full of palak paneer and some dal makhni, some veg pasta, being a South Indian, she lives on veg, while Rudra being a Punjabi, is feasting on butter chicken, and he's got some palak paneer taking the rest of the side of the plate. There is as well as Makki di roti and 2 glasses filled with coke. They were sitting at a table of their own, with no one around the table. Ofcourse, Rudra is trying to spark some romance between her and him and he doesn't want to leave any opportunity that could slip away her from him. That's when Saransh jumps in and ruins the whole thing. He texts her *Wifey meet you outside* Preesha totally blushes. Rudra leaves with Saransh.

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