Part 3 - OPEN

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-Breif Overview of Part 2-

Rafe and the other freaks were planning their next move when Ziva returns with a new freak, Beau. Beau's boyfriend, Cole drops in, extremely worried and most of the freaks don't trust him however Rafe deems it necessary to for the group's survival.

Rafe, Nikita, Ziva, Avis, Beau, and Cole are all at the safehouse resting.

Idania had a bit of an emotional breakdown but was comforted(?) by Demos. Her parents call her home, probably about the fact that she may be stripped of her rank and they also invited Demos so both hunters leave HQ. Rosie and Hawk are having a nerf gun fight at HQ, totally drunk of course.

-End Breif Overview-

So the freaks via Cole must reach a solution or there will be annihilation. There will be a good solution, not a great solution, but a good one depending on their choices.

Idania's parents have been seemingly silent for most of this story but now they will be involved. Parents, why do they have so much power anyway?

And the Commitee.

Thy have been mentioned a few times before and maybe this is the part they will make a formal appearance.

Who Knows?


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2015 ⏰

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