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(Warning there is some spoiler warning from the Manga so if you're an anime only i suggest you skipped reading when i tell you, but if you dont mind with spoiler then go off.)

'Future : The Kirishima's Fam'
"So is this one is gonna tell us how is the future was???" Jirou asked as Yurei nodded
"Oh and by the way parents or siblings, either legal, not-legal, biologically, mentally and emotionally, you might wanna prepare you camera because of the wholesomeness" Cassey said as most of them pulled out a camera.
"Alright you ready??? okay then lets begin!!!"

The screen showed an older Kirishima was walking alone in the night, he had a long hair and was tied with a man bun style, a scar on his left cheek that almost reached his eyes, wearing a brown trenchcoat and was holding a large shopping bag.

"Yeah you are bro!!"
"You look nicer than your father in the future"

He walked for awhile before he stopped infront door of a huge house as he turned the handle.
"Im Home!!!" he shouted as footsteps could be heard from upstairs
"DADDY!!!" A little girl around 6 years old with black hair with some ash blonde tint, red eyes and slightly sharp teeth ran to him as he caught her in a playful way
"Hi to you too princess!!!! and Happy Birthday!!!!" He said as he showed the bag, The girl squealed in happiness as she tried to open it
"*Gasp* Thank you daddy!!!"
"Sakurajima go put you gift from daddy on the table okay?? remember you have to open all of it together" Katsuki's voice could be heard from afar.

"So we got married in the future???"
"No you dont, what do you think Yes of course no shit sherlock!!!" Mina answered like it was obvious because it is, cutting Yurei's attempt to answer him.
The Kirishima's mom and older sister was squeling about hiw adorable their granddaughter/niece while Masaru just looked at his son with a relieved smile
'Im glad he was happy in the future'

Kirishima took of his shoes and his coat as Sakurajima took his hand and pulled him to the living room. She put her present along with the others she got at the school, but some of the present was not for her, it was for another birthday boy.
As a que, a boy around 16 years old, came down from upstairs.
"Oh hey dad"
"Hey Kota"

"WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT, why is Kota there???" Pixie Bob asked
"....uh....can someone bring Kota to the play room first???" Cassey asked as Tiger offered himself to took the sleeping boy out
"So what happen to us???"

~{Manga spoiler warning}~

"...well you see...in around their second year in UA a war between Villains and Heroes will happen and it includeds every heroes they could, and that includes all of you, and Class 1A and Class 1B, in the fight all the rest if the Wild Wild Pussy Cat was suspected missing along with some other heroes and villains. I only allowed to tell you to here cause, you could see what happen in the future" Cassey said as everyone looked at her with disbelieve
"WHAT!!? HOW COULD THEY ALSO GOT INTO THE WAR!!? THEYRE ONLY 16 -17!!! AND HOW DOES NEZU GET PERMISSION FROM ALL OF THE PARENTS!!??" Aizawa shouted in worry. (Dadzawa moment right there buddy)

"Well...since UA thought that they are strong enough and also with their multiple encounter with the villains, they asked them to since the goverment also started to lose some heroes and they need to get any heroes they could if they want to win the war....and for the permission Nezu lied to the parents that they only goes for an internship" Cassey explained as the parents shot glare to Nezu
"Just-now lets bring Kota and Tiger back as we continue okay???"

"Happy Birthday for you too Kota!!!"
"Yeah yeah you know that i dont like my birthday to be celebrated"
"But your sister was, and she will insist on having you too celebrate together"
"Hey Kota can you help me a little bit in the kitchen??" Katsuki called as Kota quickly walked to the kitchen.

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