Chapter 1 - Raid

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It was happening. Your worst nightmare came true. Your village got raided! It was real. The screams were real. The sounds of arrows being shot with crossbows, the heavy steps of a ravager and the angrily barked orders from the pillagers were too.

You pressed yourself deeper into your corner and your straw hat rustled slightly. You decided to hide under the kitchen table, which stood in the corner of the room. Your parents were hiding behind the couch.

Your eyes fearfully watched the flickering orange glow of fire on a wall. The house across the street was burning and you prayed to Notch, that the fire won't spread to your house.

Suddenly, something was slammed against your front door. It sounded like an axe. Someone smashed an axe against your door repeatedly, until a sickening crash was heard. Seconds later, the door got kicked down.

"HERE'S JOHNNY!", a male voice yelled.

You whimpered silently and pressed your back harder against the wall. Your parents tried to keep their whining at bay, but to no avail.

'Johnny' must have heard them, because he took long strides towards them.

All you could see from underneath the table were his legs, dressed in greyish blue striped pants. A vindicator. You swallowed. These guys were said to be crazy and ruthless and 'Johnny's' actions didn't really convince you otherwise.

Speaking of which, he started laughing maniacally, as he grabbed your father and pulled him out from behind the couch.

From what you could see, your father was struggling against the vindicator's grip. Your mother started begging, but it soon turned into a high pitched scream of terror.

You heard the awful sound of iron embedding itself in flesh and bones. A red liquid ran down your father's body and into your field of vision. Your eyes widened. You wanted to scream, but your voice was stuck in your throat. By now you were shaking in fear.

A strange gurgling sound was heard. 'Johnny' chuckled darkly and dropped your father, who didn't move anymore.

You wanted to scream again. You wanted to leave your hiding spot and rush to your father's side, seeing if there was anything you could do. But fear still had you in its tight grasp and wouldn't let you go anytime soon.

You were so consumed by your panicked thoughts, that you didn't notice how the vindicator finished off your mother just as heartlessly as your father. Only her falling to the ground beside her husband, snapped you back into gruesome reality.

The vindicator huffed and mumbled something under his breath you couldn't understand. Then he stepped over your parents' bodies and walked into your direction.

Did he knew you were there? Was he gonna get you just like your parents?

Still shaking in terror, you clasped your hand over your mouth to keep yourself from making any noises, that might give you away.

Your heart was thumping wildly in your chest as he walked past your hiding spot dangerously close. He stopped right beside you and it took everything in you to stay silent.

The vindicator kneeled down and you almost shrieked, hadn't you noticed he was turning away from you to rummage through some chest.

"Bread... Wheat... Carrots... Oh c'mon! No emeralds?", his hoarse voice mumbled to himself. "Now where could they hide more chests?"

He turned his head and suddenly, his cold blue eyes locked with yours. You flinched and started to shiver under his hard glare, as he kept staring over his shoulder.

For a tense moment, you just stared at each other. His eyes cold and calculating and yours wide in fear.

Slowly but surely an evil grin spread on his face.

"Well, well, well... If this isn't a much sweeter price than just some emeralds~"

His grin only widened after he turned around and got a better look of you.

You shrunk back even deeper into your corner. Cold sweat running over your face.

"W-w-w-what do you m-m-mean?" Your voice was shaking so much, one could barely make out, what you were saying.

He just chuckled this dark chuckle of his, baring his teeth in the process.

"That means, I'm going to keep you. And you will work for me.~"

He turned around to fully face you, his hand already reaching out to grab you.

"N-No!" You wanted to get away. As far as possible! Just away from him!

So you quickly crawled into the opposite direction.

But he got a good grip around your ankle way before you could get anywhere. You tried to pull your leg free, but his cold grip was as tight as an iron golem's one.

Seemingly effortless, he dragged you back and out from underneath the table. Your straw hat fell off in the process. Of course you struggled to get away from him by clumsily trying to punch him. He grunted, grabbed your wrists and pinned them on the floor above your head.

"Hold still, damnit!"

"N-No! Let me g-go!"

When your squirming and struggling didn't stop, he freed one of his hands, let out a row of exquisite curses and grabbed his axe once more.

While he rose it above his head, your eyes widened in horror. You saw blood dripping from its blade as if it was in slow motion.

You screamed louder than you did ever before, when the axe's wooden handle hit the side of your head with an incredible speed and everything went black.....

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