◇ Chapter one ◇

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No pov
Kenjirou was just laying on his bed staring at the ceiling thing about..Nothing.His mind was clear.It was..peaceful in his head.Until he heard a loud knocking.He was ready to scream at the person at this time by now.

"WHAT IS IT?''The brown haired male shouted. "Sorry kenji..dad wants talk to you."His butler,Tendou said.Well not butler,sibling.They are not siblings by blood,but they are siblings by legal name.They are now 19 and yet still immature.And basically,Tendou was adopted by the king and basically is part of the royal family.Well here is how he was adopted and how they met.

Kenjirou was walking around the forest not having a destanation in mind.He had always liked the forest.But he then heard crying.He searched for we're the sound was coming from and saw..saw a boy with red hair crying infront of a.. a DEAD BODY?! Kenjirou ran up to the boy and tapped him.The boy looked up and Kenjirou saw a beautiful pair of eyes.It was red.Ruby red.It was rare in this world and Kenjirou decided to ask the boy what had happend. "Uhm..are you okay?"Shirabu asked. "sniff..sniff..Yeah.."He said. "Do you know her?"Shieabu asked sitting down beside the red haired boy. "She was my sister..sniff sniff..We were attacked by soldiers and the soldiers tried to kil! me but she was there.sniff sniff..I don't think i can survive without my sister.."The boy said. "Well what's your name?Im Shirabu Kenjirou of The Shirabu kingdom!"He said trying to cheer the poor boy up. "Tendou..I'm Tendou Satori..How old are you?" "I'm 6!what about you?"Shirabu asked. "Same..Do you know where i can stay?"He asked. "Well,you can stay at my castle!Oh and where do used to live?"The boy asked. "In a small village in the southeast..we were wiped out and it was me and my sister only left." "Oh...We i will cheer you up by being my best friend!!"The prince said. "R-Really?"The young lad said. "Ofcourse!!Now come on!!i want you to meet my parents!!"The boy said.
(Time skip~yes i'm lazy i know.)
"Daddy!!"Shirabu shouted.It got his parents attention and the royal guards.and the generals his father was talking to. "Hey ken!who is that little guy?"He asked looking at tendou. "Well this is Tendou!!My new bestfriend!!I met him at the forest,i felt bad for him.."He said while frowning. "Well it's nice to meet you Tendou!I'm Kenjirou's father!"The king said joyfully. "And I'm Kenjirou's mother!"The Queen says. "You guys are Kenji-kun's parents?How cool!"He shouted. "Daddy!!"The boy said to get his fathers attention. "Yes ken?" "Can Tendou stay with us?"Shirabu said with his puppy dog eyes. "Of course!!His part of the family!"The King said joyfully. "We shall Announce it to the whole Kingdom!!" "Cool!!"The two little boys shouted. "Yes your majesty."The generals said in unison.They had told the whole Kingdom about it and The kingdom was shocked!The king adopted a little boy!? That is CRAZY!!He then had his coronation as a official prince and had his last name into 'Shirabu Satori'.

"OPEN THE DOOR KENJI!!!"Satori shouted. "ANSWER ME."well as you can see there sibling hood became a little more like they were siblings by blood. "I DONT KNOW WHY DAD DOESNT WANNA TALK TO YOU OK?!NOW GET YOUR ASS OUT OF YOUR BEDROOM."The red head shouted. "AH FINE.GO TO HELL SATORI." "GO TO HELL TO KENJI."ahh having siblings.He walked to the corridor and went into the main hall. "What is it dad?"The boy asked rolling his eyes and yawning. "We're meeting with up with a guest today.Get dressed." "HWA?EH WHY?"The boy groaned.His father face palmed and wonder what happend to the sweet little boy he knew. "HAHAHAHAHA."Laughed someone.It was Satori. "SATORI!!!!!!!" "Baka!!" "The both of you get dressed and behave yourselves."The King said in a cold tone.He knew even if these two idiots fight,they still love each other.They went to the perspective bedrooms and changed into fancy clothing.Whenever it was just them in the castle,The two would just wear sweatpants and A hoodie.well That's what Satori wears.well they both wear sometimes.mostly it's a hoodie or oversized t-shirt and boxers.There at home who wouldn't?They went out and were greeted by maids and knights and walked thought the corridors for awhile and entered the main hall where theere parents are. "ahh here are my sons."There father says. "Hi."The two says.Satori who was reading a book and Kenjirou also reading a book. "Book lovers?"The Guest asks. "Ahh yes.Enter there bedrooms and see paintings and a whole bookshelf of books.and when i mean by paintings i meant there paintings."

"It seems like you have very interesting children." "Thank you."The two says looking up to the guest. "Well what about your sons?" "There not that interesting." One of them removed his headphones and said, "we heard that."Blankly but aggressively. "Be quiet eita.I wasn't talking to you."His father said.The two boys couldn't help but look for the person there guess was talking too.It was a tall grayed haired young man with a pout on his face. "Childish."The other one said.Still looking down on his phone. "Oi!look who's talking."The tall guy said.Shirabu on the other hand
well,um..how should i say this..is embarrassed?

He felt his cheeks heat up and he mind shouted STOP BLUSHING DUMBASS.Satori couldn't help but notice his brothers face.He just giggled and say, "Dad?is it okay if we excuse ourselves?me and kenji needs to talk."Satori asks.There fathe gave him a nod that meant yes. "THANKS DAD!!!!"

"You like the gray haired boy huh?"The boy says smirking. "Oi shut up!!You also like the green haired guy!!"He fought back. "OI I DONT." The shout was heared fromt the door. "I'm so sorry about them." "It's fine..My sons are like that too."The guest answered.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!"Shirabu laughs. "OI LOOK WHOS TALKING!!!!!!BAKAAAAA!!!!!!!" "BLEHHH!!!"The other says. "I wonder where those boys come from.."Shirabu says calmly. "We should ask papa."Satori suggested. "Okay."

The two walk in the door again and say, "Not to be rude and all but what kingdom are you guys from?"Satori asks. "Ahh,well we're from the Semi Kingdom."The green haired male answers. "What are your names?" "Eita."The silvered haired man says. "Wakatoshi." "What about the both of you?"Eita asks. "Kenjirou." "Satori." "That's a cute name for someone small."Eita says winking at Shirabu.Shirabu couldn't help but feel his cheeks heat up.On the other hand, "Well that's a beautiful name for someone so beautiful."Ushiwaka says. "Please stop making me embarrassed..."He says looking down.

"Well,a pretty prince like you shouldn't be embarrassed to be complimented.You were named as the most handsomest prince in the whole world!"He shouts.Om the other hand again, "Awww~is cutie getting shy?"The man teases the smaller lad. "SHUT UP!!"Shirabus hours covering his face.

a/n:The main ship is semishira and the secondary ship is ushiten.😌😌long chapter :0

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