♡ Chapter two ♡

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"Awwww~~"Eita teased him again. "Please shut up.What are you trying to do make me horny?"He asks. "Maybe~"The taller man says placing his hand on the jaw of the smaller. "..." "Kenjirou!!Satori!!"There father shouts. "Yes?"They say. "Show them around town!!"There mother suggested. "But-," "No buts!!now go!!"There mother says pushing them to the two taller man and gave them a wink before leaving the four alone.(we stan shipper parents 😌) "Well me and my little prince here are going too be together and you guys on your own."He says. "Okay see you guys later."Ushiwaka says.The two other boys didn't have anything to say.They were embarrassed and were a blushing mess.

With Shirabu and Semi
"So where should we go?"Semi asks Shirabu. "Well the town square would be fun."Shirabu says. "Oh okay,Show the way my little prince~" "STOP CALLING ME THAT."

Shirabu's thoughts:
"I'm going down like the titanic if this handsome idiot won't stop."

With Shirabu and Semi
They were greeted by the people there.Some young girls making themselves beautiful which the two princes ignored.They saw a young girl and the little girl said, "Say hi to bun-bun!!"The little girl says.Shirabu was familiar of this young girl.She was Aria.well that's what he named her.He has adopted aria and let her wander around the city with guards since he wanted to make sure that she was safe. "why hello sweetie."Shirabu says kneeling down. "Hi Daddy!"The young girl says until she notices the tall mans presence. "Hi Daddy's friend!!"The little girl says. "Hi princess."Semi says smiling also kneeling down. "Daddy is he your boyfriend?"The young girl asks.The villagers were shocked about this not the fact that there prince is bi but because of the young girl's words.

Shirabu couldn't help but be speechless.Did his Daughter just say that?No i must be dreaming!! He says to himself.But then.. "Yes I am your Daddy's boyfriend."Semi says with a soft smile on his face. "Really?!YAYYY!!!!"The young girl hugs the taller man and the taller man carries the young girl and kisses her cheek. "will be a family once i propose to your father."Semi says.They walk to a garden and Shirabu started a conversation.

"Why did you say that?"He asks the taller man. "Am i not allowed too?Dont you know that our Kingdoms are having a alliance?And when i mean alliance i mean in between us and ushiwaka and Tendou." "Ushiwaka?" "Yes,ushiwaka.His real name was Ushijima Wakatoshi before Dad adopted him."He says. (Wakatoshi Semi sounds cool right? :D )
"Oh cool."He says.Semi looks down at the young girl who was on his hands sleeping peacefully. "Why did you adopt her?" Semi asks. "I saw her on the street.She had silver hair like yours and my brown eyes.It's like she was made for us."He says looking at the taller man. "That's called 'fate' cutie."He says pulling the smaller and kissing his fore head. "That's real?"Shirabu asks. "Look at us!we were meant to be for each other!!"Semi says. "Are we?" "We even have a child that looks like us.Is that not enough proof for you?" "nope." "Oh my gosh." "Say that again i dare you."Shirabu says. "I'm keeping custody of the child." "OI NO YOU WONT!!!!!" "Welp,I'll give you visiting rights."He says chuckling. "OI!!!"Shirabu says. "I'm kidding.were going to form our own small family soon."Semi says with a smile. "Please stop embarrassing me.."

With ushiwaka and Tendou
"Soo where do you wanna go?"Tendou asks. "Where's your favorite place here?"Ushiwaka asks. "Well i like that cafe over there ushi-chan!"Tendou says with a soft smile. "ushi-chan?"The taller man says walking towards the cafe the red head has suggested. "Yes ushi-chan!uts cute isn't it?"He says. "I guess.."The taller man says. "What do you think there doing right now?"Tendou asks. "I don't know..Eita is sometimes a little to upredictable.Inhumane unpredictable."Ushijima says. "Thats-That's weird?well i guess shirabu is not that unpredictable,but his too intelligent.Inhumane intelligent."Tendou says. "Oh,just like eita ay?"Ushijima says. "Yeah,just like eita."He says with a soft smile."

With Shirabu and Semi
"Where back!!"Shirabu shouts. "Why you guys are early."The King says. "I have aria with me."Semi says. "My granddaughter!!"The Queen shouts. "She's asleep maam."Semi says. "We'll take her to her bedroom then.Kenjirou show him to Aria's bedroom!"His mother ordered. "Yes mom.Come on."Shirabu says.They walk in the corridors in silent.It wasn't awkward,it was a calming atmosphere.They soon arrived at aria's bedroom.They enter it and Semi was suprise don how beautiful the girls bedroom was.It wasn't pink,It was blue.The theme color was blue.It was like a fantasy world theme. "We're am i going to put her?"Semi asks.
"On her bed."Shirabu says pointing at the bed. "Okay."Semi says going towards the bed.He tried placing aria,but aria wouldn't let go of him. "Don't go.."Aria says opening her eyes. "Don't worry,i promise i won't go.i'll be right here."Semi says with a soft smile. "What about Papa?"He says looking for Shirabu. "I'm right here."Shirabu says with his remarkable smile.Aria closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.Not soon after Shirabu fell asleep beside Semi.His head dropped on Semi's shoulder.Semi kissed the smaller's forehead and went to sleep.

a/n:I know it escalated quickly but like don't judge me- It has to be that way 😌

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