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Sorry if my story/chapter is TRASH🤢 it's just the is my first time making one😬😬 anyways onto the story

Also here are the fonts to look out for

Bold: Screaming/noises

Italic: Thoughts

Underline: Me talking

Regular: talking/narrating


**3rd POV**

**BEEP **BEEP** **BEEP**

An alarm clock was going off

Haruo sat up from his bed still sleepy, haruo yawns from getting waked up from bed

Haruo had bag eyes,his lips were CrUsTy(like shigaraki 😌), and his hair was...(pft) like someone tried to mow the lawn but failed pretty bad (PFT)

The alarm was still going off that annoyed Haruo so he slammed his hand hard to turn off the alarm.

"hmph, why do alarm clocks so annoying TwT hmm" said Haruo. He got up and when you got off the bed "Oof" he tripped over something. "Owwie" Haruo turned to see what he tripped on and it arm? 'an arm? what is an arm doing right there?' Hauro went closer to the arm that was half way under the bed. 'hmm I wonder what if I just' Haruo then started to get closer to the arm he touched it. 'oh ok'

Haruo was about to get up until the arm grabbed Haruo's arm and started pulling him AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Haruo screamed in the highest pitch he could do (which is so loud that can make your ears bleed 😔)


Ms.Tadashiou ran up the stairs panicking because of son screaming once she got up there she saw an arm grabbing onto Hauro. She dashed over, stepped on the arm as hard as she could and grabbed her son to the front of the closet. 

Then under the bed came out a person that was...

Haruo's Brother Leon

Hauro was crying hard because of what Leon did to him "Leon!?" 

Ms.Tadashiou said "yep,the one and only" Leon said while pointing his thumb to chest. "Leon why would you do that!?" Ms.Tadashiou yelled "huh?" Leon questioned.

"Why would you scare your little brother like that!?" Ms.Tadashiou said as she got closer to Leon

**Hauro's POV**

Mother was getting close to big brother yelling at him for scaring me,but it was only just a little prank from him tho. "Mother please quiet down or father will hear you" I said but mother was too busy yelling at big brother to even hear what I said. "Mothe-" before I could even get my words out father slammed the door open, We all froze, mother was frozen looking at father while I and brother were too.

"YOU" father yelled at mother then he turned his head over to me "All I have been seeing is you and that......MISTAKE yelling or causing trouble" Father said the only word ringing in my head was MISTAKE, 'was I the....MISTAKE-' but before I knew it Father grabbed me by the throat with his bare hand.

"Hmn ngh agh" I struggled out 'breath I can't breath' I thought to myself 'Am I gonna die like this' I was trying to breath but nothing came in or out.

I started to lose concussions until "STOP DON'T HURT MY BABY" Mother came and pulled Father onto the ground "t-t-thank y-y-you m-m-mother" I struggled to say but before she could respond I got drag by someone "b-b-b-b-big b-b-b-brother" I struggled out again "you shouldn't talk much because of dad grabbing your neck,so try not to speak" I nodded to what big bro said.

Once we got to his room he locked the door and turned to me "alright I want you to hurry up and get change then go out my window but before you go "I'll fix you hair" I nodded then started to put my uniform on. Then we heard mother screaming and it sounded like she was in.........Pain.

Once I heard it, I was racing to the door, until "No, you hurry up and I'll go" I turned to look at Leon with a 'are you serious' face Leon just nodded but before he went he fixed my hair he put my hair up in a spread out ponytail then he straightened up and combed my hair my bangs down were no one could see my face.

When big brother was finished he told me that sister was waiting for me at his window and to take my (F/C) mask and bag. I nodded after I got my shoes, when I was finished I went over to the window but before I jumped out I turned to look at my brother "a-a-a-are y-y-y-you g-g-gonna b-be o-o-ok h-h-h-handling f-f-farther?" I struggled out then he told me yes he was gonna be fine then he left his room.

**3rd POV**

Hauro then put his legs through the window but before he jumped out he took one final glance towards the door,then he jumped out. "Hey I was waiting for you to come" Layla said like she waited for a year "y-y-yeah s-sorry j-j-j-ust f-f-farther b-eing h-h-h-himself" Hauro struggled to say because of his neck, "well then let's go so we won't be late even from about-" Layla said as she was looking at her watch "EEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHH!?" She yelled


Please tell if you would like more because I don't know if I am doing well 

😔🙏      🧎🏌️      😔✌️     👁️👄👁️    💗💖💙💚🧡❤️🖤

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