part 1

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Hey my names Alex and my life is kind of crazy. First lets tell you a bit about me I go by Alex knowone knows my last name and I want to keep it that way. We live in a world where werewolves (thats me) and vampires live in secret in something most people call the underworld there are many jobs in this underworld smugglers, theifs, blackmarket dealers, hotel owners (these certain hotels are no kill zones if you kill in them then you have signed your death warrant) and assassins. That is where I come in you see there are many assassin organisations out there the crimson creed, the crescent moons and the Black Dawn Assassins my least favourite, but mabey I'll tell you that story another time anyway back to me. I am well I'm a lone assassin and not to brag but I am very high level the only others at my level are John wick (obviously) and Damien dark. Any way let's get on with the story.

New York 12pm

Misson : protect the British ambassador

I've been hired to protect a British ambassador as there's been an anonymous tip that he is being targeted by Damien dark because the ambassador is a werewolf and is in an important position in society he is on damiens list im posted on a skyscraper opposite the ambassadors with my sniper at the ready so far it has been quiet there has been little chatter on the securitys coms. Its round about time for a... "security check"  yep "sector 1 clear" "sector 2 clear" "sector 3 clear"... "sector 4 do you copy... sector 4" now thing are getting interesting sector 4 is the other side of the building im going to have to zipline in. I aim the gun at the exsecutive court yard and shoot 8t perfect around the central tree... "let's do this" I zip down the line and land in the tree scanning the area I see a dead body on the floor "raise the alarm we've got at least one dead" that's 10 minutes until backup arrives. I smell the air for a sent I sense a female around my age just passed this way. I follow the sent through a hall and I here a struggle I peek around the corner and I see her I through a knife aiming for her shoulder as she notices me and deflects it with her sword. I see the twitch of her nose. Ok she's a werewolf fast reflexes keen sense of smell lets do this. I run at her and jump as our swords clash "so I'm guessing you work for Damien" "who's Damien" she replies as she round house kicks me "I'm not stupid I know you work for him who else would want the ambassador dead" I say as I kick out her legs and pin her to the ground "everyone he is evil" she says as she kicks me off and runs and jumps out the window. Oh I get it she's one of those it makes sense now. I sheath my sword and collect my knife helping the other guard up "you alright?" I ask "yeah thanks" "no problem" I say as I walk into the ambassadors office "its alright ambassador the assassin is gone she would be stupid to attack again tonight" I assure him "thank you very much eh..." "Alex just Alex" "I will have my people wire you the funds immediately" " I appreciate it sir just don't stop your work against Damien he needs to go down" I respond jumping out the window before he can reply as I see the back up enter the office. Well time for me to take the edge off at the continental I walk down the street as I feel a certain she wolf watching me I cross the street and head inside.

Sapphire's POV

Who the hell was that he was very skilled, shit damein is not going to be happy thats the first time I have failed I open my phone and call Damien it rings once and he answers "I assume the deed is done" "no sir I..." "WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO I DIDNT DRAG YOU OF THE STREETS FOR YOU TO FAIL ME! This ambassador is a threat to our whole organisation and all the good we are doing" "I'm sorry sir I was interrupted by a very high level werewolf assassin in all black" "GRR Alex!" "Sorry sir?" "Did he have red eyes and never shut up when you were fighting" "eh yes how did you..." "KILL HIM" Damien shouts as he ends the call he really hates this Alex guy. How am I going to find him, I look up only to see him jump out of a window. Oh OK, I follow from the roof tops to stay hidden "this guy won't last the night"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2020 ⏰

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