Summer camp part 4

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After pops
Betty POV
A-" oke honey, I'll be home later tonight." B-" alright bye mom see you later." We hugged, and Jug and I walked back home. B-" can we take a shower?" J-" how can I say no to that face." B-" not cause you love me." I said smiling. J-" no doubt." He said and kissed my forehead. We got into the shower and I asked. B-" do you ever think about having kids?" J-" to be honest I don't." B-" do you want kids?" J-" I do, do you?" B-" I really do. How many kids do you want?" J-" one or 2." B-" do you want kids with me?" J-" more then anything." B-" really?" I asked smiling. J-" really." He said smiling. B-" when do you want kids?" J-" whenever you want, cause I don't want kids with anyone else." B-" and what if i said I want kids in like 9 months?" J-" are you pregnant?" B-" no I'm not, but what if I wanna be pregnant?" J-" then we can try, but you know we've gotta have our own place before you get pregnant?" B-" I know." J-" I've wanted to ask you this for quite a long time now, and since we're talking about this I think this is a good time to ask." B-" what is it Jug?" J-" do you wanna move in with me?" B-" do you mean like, with you and your parents and sister, our buying our own apartment and just the two of us." J-" I was thinking about just the two of us." B-" really?" J-" yeah." B-" I've talked to Veronica about this, that I wanted to move in with you, but I didn't think you would think the same about it." J-" so that's a yes?" B-" of course that's a yes!" I said and kissed him passionate. B-" the fact that we talk about this when we're in the shower, just hits different." I said laughing. He laughed with me, and we got out of the shower. We got dressed in chill clothes and we laid down on the couch, taking about our future. After a couple minutes Jughead got a call.

Jughead POV
I got a call from my mom.
On the phone
J-" hey mom, what's wrong?"
G-" can you come to the hospital as soon as possible.?"
J-" yeah of course what happened?"
G-" I'll tell you when you get here."
J-" alright I'll be there in 10."
I hung up, and Betty asked. B-" Jug, what's wrong?" J-" I have to go to the hospital as soon as possible." B-" do you want me to come with you?" J-" you don't have to." B-" I'll come with you." I nodded and kissed her softly. She took my hand, and we walked to the car and drove to the hospital. When we got in we saw my parents in the waiting room. I hugged my parents, and Betty hugged them too. J-" what happaned?" G-" We had to run Jellybean to the emergency. Her cancer got worse." J-" w-what?" Fp-" their running tests on her right now." J-" is she gonna be oke?" G-" we hope she is, but we have no idea." I started to cry a little, and Betty hugged me. B-" it's gonna be oke Jug, I promise you." She said and kissed my cheek J-" but what if she isn't." B-" jug, don't talk so negative." J-" but we don't know if she's gonna survive Betty." B-" she is Jughead. You should talk positive in these moments, but you only make it worse. I don't like seeing you in this state Jug. Your always so full of life, and positive. Your sister needs positive energy right now." Betty said, and before I knew it, I was crying into Betty's chest. B-" it's oke babe, you and your family are gonna get trough this." J-" I don't know what to think anymore." B-" I know babe, and you don't have to think about anything right now. Just let it all go." After a couple minutes of crying into Betty's chest, and her comforting me, I started to calm down. J-" i love you Betty." B-" I love you too Jug." I kissed her lips softly and she stroked my cheek. I hugged Betty again, and after a minute or so a docter came to us. D-" anyone here for Jellybean Jones?" We all stood up, my mom saying. G-" yes, is everything alright?" D-" kinda, she's gotta stay here tonight, and probably the rest of the week. We've gotta start her new chemo tomorrow morning." G-" oke, I'll stay the night." The doctor nodded. And my mom hugged my dad and walked into my sisters hospital room. B-" I'll leave you guys for this family moment. Jug, if you need me just call Oke?" J-" you don't have to go you know?" B-" I know, but this is a family moment, and I'm not really family." Fp-" you are part of the family Betty, so if you wanna stay you may." B-" thank you Fp, I just think I should go. I love you Jug, see you Tomorrow at school Oke?" He nodded and I kissed him. J-" I love you too." He said and j walked out of the hospital to my car.

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