Right guys here is chapter 11-enjoy !
Chapter 11-Don’t let me go
Dear Trace,
This is gonna be pretty quick cus I have to leave like now but anyway : D
It’s okay that you didn’t reply in time, I know you’re a busy little rockstar. Nice to know you still think of me as well, that’s awesomely sweet. Oh and get rid of that picture, I hate it -__-
Don’t be sorry, do you’re thing-I don’t care about mom and dad, they suck lol.
Yep camp is actually pretty good this year and Kimmy just got back which makes things even better-life is almost complete ahah. When you get your own house I AM MOVING IN WITH YOU. I can’t stand nana-she sucks as well. It would be lovely to see you again Trace. Camp ends in two weeks soo urm get your ass over here punk! ;)
Lots and Lots of Love,
Georgie xo
I quickly clicked the send button and jumped off my bed.
“Are you ready yet, Georgie?” asked Kimmy
“In a minute” I yelled pulling on grey jogger shorts and a baggy band t-shirt “Ready”
“Finally” said Kimmy rolling her eyes
I pulled a cheesy smile and pulled on my black dr.martens. Kimmy literally dragged me out the door while I was hopping on one leg.
“Kimmy!” I groaned trying to try my laces
“We’re gonna be late” huffed Kimmy
“Shh” I muttered
Today we were going on a hike up a mountain, personally I am not a big fan of heights but I would rather do that instead of insect hunting-oh no no.
“Hey Georgie” smiled Taylor walking my direction
My heart decided to skip a fast beat and I choked on my words...awkward.
“You okay?” he asked
“Dandy” I squeaked
“Riggggghhht” nodded Taylor
Kimmy was just laughing at me. What a great friend.
“Okay guys!” yelled Mr Al over the chatting crowd “We are climbing up the pacific mount which is just on the west beach soo please be careful up there and don’t pushed someone into the sea because it gets pretty rough in there not to mention...you can die” explained Mr Al like he has said is soo many times to other groups
“Do we have too” moaned Holly
“Yes” snapped Mr Al “Ms Lorna will be assisting me as well soo we are perfectly safe”
“Just swell” I muttered
“Don’t worry babe I’ll protect you” winked Bradley
I smiled faintly nudging him in the ribs. He faked being hurt and I just rolled my eyes. He smiled and planted a small kiss on my lips.
I feel nothing still.
I faked behind overwhelmed and was praying someone would either take him away or someone will interrupt us right now.
“Hey Brad” fluttered Avery
“Oh hey ba- Avery” said Bradley
I used that time to back up through the crowd and look for someone else to walk with.