Mystery plan?

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Levys POV
'Thank Mavis that Natsu was killed by those fangirls. Almost killed. What he deserved it he hurt my best friend!!'
"Levy-chan" Lucy sweat dropped as if she read my mind
"But I wanted him to die!!" I sulked
"Look what you got me into!!"
"Something that involves you kissing him"
"Oh are you describing you and Gajeel" Lucy said making kissing faces teasing me
I blushed 5020929292 shades of red
"Hehe" she stuck her tongue out playfully
"What do you waaaant"
"Have you seen Lisanna?"
Lisanna's POV
I was trying to stay away from Natsu because i dont like him anymore he deserves Lucy
"Lisanna there you are"
"Natsu what ever it is you deserve Lucy and she deserves you"
"Thats the thing"
Natsu whispered what he needed help with and I smirked I had a idea and I whispered back and he smirked as well
Lucy's POV
"Erza im bored!!"
"What the hell Erza"
"Lu-chan guess what" Lisanna said
"What Lisanna 0.o"
"Me and a Natsu are going out"
"Oh cool"i stated like if i didnt care about it
"Juvia thinks Natsu and Lucy look better"
"So do i" said Wendy
"I dont" I said
Juvias POV
Juvia cant believe what she heard Love rival didnt care and love rival didnt like Natsu anymore she better stay away from Juvias Gray-sama
"Lucy you better not steal Juvias Gray-sama!!"
"I wont (・_・;"
"Good because that is for Juvia!!"
Grays POV
I sneezed someone is talking about me
Sorry its really short
Happy:where are the exceeds we are special
You will come out the next chapter brother
All exceeds: yayyyy
guys im thinking of adding Sting to cause drama :D 3....2....1 AYE SIR

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