Chapter 1,

345 31 20

-Transgender Bakugou Au,
-Slight angst
-& Fluff

Bakugou's hair above-

-Wrong pronouns used


A teenage girl stood staring at her reflection but who she saw staring back at her was nothing but a grumpy teenage boy, afraid to show who he truly was.. hiding behind the metaphorical and emotional walls of curses, screaming and crying..

She just wanted to be who she knew she was.. Thouh all she could do was pick out her own insecurities one by one.

For one, her hands were as rough as any student's in the school's, callused and scarred. Whoever she was, she was no princess, or at least she'd never been afforded the opportunity to be one..

They were callused and raw, like she had had a difficult life and worked twice as hard for everything she currently had, which technically wasn't wrong, working as an upcoming hero was taking it's toll on her. Every pinprick touch to her hands felt unfeeling. Funny how somethings could feel unfeeling, but she guessed she had just been through too much..

Burn marks circles her inner palms and her nails dirtied with dirt and grime and the last remains of her black nail polish lay upon them awaiting to be picked off just like the rest of it.
She lifted her fingers to analyse them further, her skin broken and damaged despite the overly excessive hand cream she used to at least try and make them softer..

It frustrated her really..

Her hair was next..  the short and spiky blonde hair sticking out in all directions despite her trying her best to grow it out, though it never managing to grow half-way down her neck before breaking off leaving her in misery.

She would sit for minutes, maybe hours just attempting to comb it out so it no longer spike up, sometimes it worked.. other times it was completely against her. Though it truly depended on how she would leave it after a shower, bath, whatever type of wash, she had to straighten it after drying it out, maybe try braiding it, take her time and be patient..

Though, she knew she wasn't the most patient person in the world, leaving her with small fits of anger with herself, sometimes going to the point of pulling at her hair just for more to snap off or for her to set fire to it and have to pat it out leaving it shorter than it was before.

She huffed, running a hand through her messy hair, dropping the blanket back over the mirror before grabbing a towel and some spare clothes before leaving to the bathroom knowing it would probably be a good time to actually start getting ready for the school trip Aizawa had planned.

A while passed before she stepped out, drying herself off as she sighed, pulling on a pair of black 'girlfriend' jeans with an oversized sweater on and a black varsity jacket after putting on her underwear consisting of a sports bra and a pair of boxers, her chest slowly growing due to her oestrogen pills which she made sure to take for the day before pulling on her backpack as she began to some strands of her hair back into a small, messy half-ponytail.

Of course, some students had began to notice her body changing though none of them ever directly brought it up as they didn't want to be too pushy or intrusive.

Katsuki sighed, leaving her dorm with a slam of the door and turn of the mey before pocketing it as she turned, walking down the corridor to meet up with the "extras" or her classmates anyway.

She flinched at the sudden feeling of an arm being wrapped around her shoulders, pulling her into a rough side hug as she grunted, huffing as she turned her head aside.
"Bakubro! You're here-!"

Of course..  she knew Kirishima didn't mean any harm, but the nickname always seemed to make her feel well.. degraded.. she pushed him off as she scoffed. "Don't call me that shitty hair.."
The red head pouted playfully, whining lightly.
"Aww come on bro-"

"Not that either dumb ass, I'm not- oh fuck you!"
She pushed him again as he finally backed off, raising his hands in surrender, taking in note how she cut herself off half way through what she was going to say though knowing not to bring it up.
"Sorry Bakugou.."

"T's fine asshat, where's the other dumbasses?"

Kirishima shrugged, glancing down the hallway or well, at the elevator before seeing the doors open with the squad and a few other classmates exit.
"Yeah I see that now shitty hair.." she huffed, shrugging lightly before jumping back after turning back, seeing Aizawa right behind her.
"Fucking hell! When did you get there!"

"I was here the whole time.. now, everyone outside and into the buses.. you pick who you sit with, but no funny business-"

And before he knew it, the class was out the door in a flash, each pushing their way onto the buses, getting into seats the found appropriate, Bakugou slumping in a chair as Mina managed to snatch the chair beside her before Kirishima could earning a small stuck out tongue as she giggled, resorting with the same action as Kirishima sat behind them with Jirou.

Denki and Sero behind those two, already exchanging edibles as they smirked at each other, the two best friends happily talking about hell knows what, from the meaning of "Dork" to the meaning of "Defenestration".

"Sooo.. how are you?" Mina started up the conversation as the roar of the engine of the bus began before they started moving.
"M'fine.. why you asking?" The blonde muttered, eyes already fixated outside of the window as she sighed.
"You just seem.. a little out of it that's all.." Mina mumbled, watching the other female shift uncomfortably befor settling once more.

"Do you.. want to talk about it-"

"Not here."

"I- okay..  just know I'm always her-"

"Yeah, I'm aware Raccoon eyes. Thanks.. or whatever.."

"No problem.. anytime Bakugou," she smiled at her, nodding softly as the blonde huffed, faintly nodding in response as the two of them fell silent.

Well.. until Kirishima reached over the top of the chairs, gently ruffling Bakugou's hair, earning a glare in response.
"You should get a hair cut man.. it's starting to grow ou-"
"Fuck you, I do what I want!"
"I was just saying.. unless you want it that way, it looks super manly-"

Bakugou just glared, growling in response as the red head soon sat back down again, mumbling a small apology, Mina awkwardly watching the two interact, taking in note Bakugou's uncomfortable state afterwards as she gently leaned over to her, whispering softly to her.
"How does beautiful sound..?"

The blonde paused, a small smile twitching and turning up the corners of her mouth as Mina smiled too as she pulled away, Bakugou hesitantly nodding to her.

"I.. T-thank you.."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2020 ⏰

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