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Nightmare's pov:

After I gave the sleeping medicine to classic, I got up from the bed and went to see if the others were here. I got to the living room and they still weren't back."What's taking them so long!?"I thought to myself. I then heard a portal open. It was error bring the others and they were injured badly."Nightmare what the heck did you!!" yelled error pissed off." what are you talking about and what happened to does idiots?"I asked."ink has almost all the AUs looking for classic!" error yelled again."Oh. I did nothing, I just kidnaped classic and brought him here."I said."Are you kidding me Ink will do almost anything to get classic back!?" yelled error."And why would he do so much it's not like here in a relationship. and I know since he's classic sans he would do something but not that much."I said."Yeah, but what you dint know was that ink likes classic!!!" Yelled back error." what?!! and how do you know if that's true!"I shouted getting furious." Well, I heard ink telling dream that he liked classic." said error calming down."Whatever. can you take the other to their rooms to rest?"I said.

3rd person pov:

Error went to put the others to rest. Nightmare went back to the room to check on his queen. He entered to room and saw that classic awake." classic why are you awake?" asked nightmare." I heard screaming and I woke up." said classic looking away from nightmare." oh sorry 'bout that my queen." said nightmare walking closer to classic and sitting down next to him." why were you yelling and who were you yelling at? because I'm sure that the others wouldn't dare yell at you." ask/said classic." I and error got into a little discussion fight." said NM." Why we're you and error arguing?" asked classic." Oh. Error said that ink is looking for you and won't stop until they find you. and he hurt the others badly because he thinks we have you here, but the others expect error don't know that you're here." explained nightmare." I mean me and ink are friends and all but why would he do all of that just to find me. And how come your little crew doesn't know that I'm here." asked classic." well error told me that that stupid squid likes you so that's why he's doing all of that for you. but I'm not going to let him take you away my queen." said nightmare with hearts in his eyesockets.

Well, that's all for this chapter sorry it took long to publish it. Have a good morning, evening, or night.Bye!

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