Chapter 1

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Lance ran into the ice rink throwing his bag down on the benches on the side"your late"allura moaned"I'm sorry"lance said out of breath as he put on his skates and skated onto the ice"I had to stay in late at school because of something a dumb kid in my class did anyway shall we begin the warmup"allura nodded her head,lance thought she was pretty even when she was frustrated"lance come out of la la land"allura moaned snapping her fingers in front of his face"lance your so unfocused and nationals are this week"she declared concerned she went eye level with him"I need you to start taking things more seriously this means a lot to me"then she started rehearsing her part of the routine lance stood there processing what just happened he knew allura was serious about this but not that serious he proceeded to join allura. practice was going well for a change near the end of practice allura was surprised in Lance's sudden change in behaviour"wow lance if I knew how much you were really goofing off I would have given you that talk long time ago well I've got to be home in 10 minutes I hope to see you like this again tomorrow"she said waving goodbye bag on shoulders and skates in hand lance watched her leave the building and walked to the snack bar where his buddy hunk was packing something away"you look blue anything happen today"hunk said opening a can and passing it to lance,he sighed picking it up"thanks hunk"he uttered staring out over the rink hunk leaned over"what happened out there I saw you and allura talking for quite some time"he asked lance who had kind of drifted off into his own world"she told me I should take things more seriously and she's right I'm a goofball if I hadn't participated in James' game I wouldn't have been late"he then slumped in his chair watching hockey players enter the building"oh great"he sighed taking another sip of his drink"wanna come hide back here with me so they don't pummel you"hunk gestured ducking down lance shook his head so hunk said"your funeral then"before ducking completely down it wasn't an entire team so lance wasn't fazed just a couple of them 2 went  on the ice while the other 2 just stayed off to the side a tiny small one and a large one, the bigger one was much louder lance started eagerly watching"alright kogane shiro's gonna pretend to be a blue liner you have to get a backhand past him and into the goal understand"the large man off to the side screamed the smaller one seemed to be drawing and writing things on a piece of paper as well as typing on a tablet could he be doing homework lance thought to himself he moved his eyes back to the two boys on the ice"enough enough enough switch roles now"the two boys moved swiftly across the ice well the one did the other not so much hunk started coming out of his hiding spot"looks like the new guys out on the ice""new guy"lance exclaimed"hunk starting pointing"yeah number 12 his surnames Kogane but I heard his actual name is Keith and the smaller one on the side that's holt she's not really on the team but they gave her a number anyway she's number five I think she's the water boy but by the looks of things she's definitely more than that"their conversation was broken by the man's rambling"no no no kogane your tough your strong your good but you need to get faster on the ice I don't know how but be swifter and make it look more natural"the man looked around then flagged lance down and gestured him to go by the rink lance was about to get up when hunk turned him around"listen to me they are going to be using you as a puck or a dummy or something don't do it"lance took hunk's hands off his shoulders"relax man I'm just gonna go and see what he wants"hunk picked up his phone"ok I've got 911 on speed dial"then hunk went back into his hiding spot lance stopped 2 meters away from the large guy"coach why are you calling this dumb skater over here"Keith yelled in anger and frustration the coach turned to him and shouted"quiet kogane"then turned to lance"come closer boy do you really think I need to shout to speak to you"lance shuffled forward towards the man"listen to me boy what are you doing at this ice rink"he asked lance leaning in closer"lance gulped"well sir I'm a figure skater"the man leaned away"figure skater you say"then he took a long pause"I need you to coach my new player Keith"but Keith was outraged"coach wait are you serious we don't need some dumb ice ballerina to coach me"the coach silenced him"listen kogane you either let the ice ballerina coach you are your off the team am I clear"yes sir"Keith mumbled"the coach's voice got louder"I can't hear you""yes sir"Keith yelled then the coach got up"takashi I want you to monitor the training and take the runt with you"then he left the ice rink and lance smirked but Keith put him up against a wall"no funny business do I make myself clear ballerina"lance nodded not wanting to die"we start tomorrow morning at four sharp"Keith groaned before walking out shiro turned to lance"are you sure you want to do this"he questioned but lance stood proudly"yeah I've always wanted to be a coach but 4 am does seem really early for a skating lesson"he said while rubbing his neck the small child lifted her head out of a book"actually it's not I have lessons at four every second day not to mention the debate team,chess team and study time and then I have school and extra curricular activities anyway I best be getting home I have to write up this game play by tomorrow goodbye ice ballerina"then she strutted out the ice rink shiro patted lance on the back"don't fall for Keith's tricks he's a lot nicer when you get to know him if he allows you to that is goodbye luka"then shiro ran out catching up to Keith"hey what just happened back there you definitely scared that guy"Keith started walking faster"leave me alone shiro"clutching tightly to his bag he started moving into a sprint but shiro caught up to him"don't run away when I'm talking to you"he commanded Keith rolled his eyes"then don't talk to me"and started running faster it was a head to head race"I'm not leaving till you tell me what's wrong"shiro demanded an answer Keith then slowed down to a jog and then to a walk and so did shiro"what am I without ice hockey I'm not smart nor good at anything and now I'm being taught by some dumb ballerina on ice with a name like prance"shiro stopped in front of him"listen to me Keith your more then you make yourself out to be like not only your a good hockey player but your an amazing artist you just have to believe in yourself besides what do you think a kid like Liam can do to you"Keith stopped walking but didn't say anything then he passed shiro and ran home shiro was too tired to chase him so he headed to the skate shop he walked inside and put his bag on the floor and went to the counter he looked around then went behind but he was stopped by a voice"where do you think your going"it was an old wise voice shiro turned around"to look for you"the man took more steps forward towards shiro"I've come for my lesson"shiro stood confidently the man gave a small chuckle"me coaching ice hockey you must be insane your here to see the youngster he's out on the ice all I'm good for is sharpening skates if you want them sharpened then you'll be looking for me"the man disappeared into the back of the shop shiro stared at it a bit then headed outside to the frozen lake where strong young man stood he was wearing the hoodie from his favourite team the garrison it was also the team he wants to play professionally on he put on his skates and went out on the ice the man started speaking"alright welcome to my lesson my name is victor griffin but you call me coach griffin let's start off with how hard can you hit"shiro was confused"shouldn't we start up with a warmup so we don't pull a muscle"the man skated towards shiro"warmups are for losers in this class we will only focus on winning now give me 2 laps for talking back"he had a stern annoyed voice "and if you think about talking you'll be doing more"he said as shiro began his first lap the lesson was tough and brutal just like the mans voice at the end shiro could barely feel his arms probably because the man was throwing pucks at him he skated off the ice and took off his skates"victor screamed"where do you think your going"shiro started packing up his stuff"the lessons over"he said but the man skated out"it's only over when I take off my skates"he said dragging shiro back onto the ice by the ear he then threw a puck at his face and it knocked him completely unconscious shiro woke up on the couch inside the skate shop his head swelling and cold he sat up and groaned as he did it the same old man who greeted him inside the shop was sharpening a pair of skates"that was a real blow to the head kid"he said finishing the one skate shiro grabbed his head"where is coach griffin"shiro asked in drawn out voice still holding his head the man placed down the skate"he left shortly after you fell onto the ice"shiro began to stand he grabbed his bags and muttered"uh thank you sir"then he left the man watched him leave and he went back to sharpening skates as he turned to pictures of a hockey player and a figure skater he shook his head and went back to sharpening the skates when Keith got home he threw his bag on the ground"dad I'm home"he shouted a large muscular man came down the stairs"how was the ice"he asked Keith replied"how was the fire"his father was a fireman but when he was a child he dreamt of being a professional hockey player his father said"good"and Keith said the same thing before going upstairs"I'm headed to bed"Keith said dragging his hands on the banister his father watched him walk upstairs and close the door he thought to himself "it takes my boy an hour to walk home and when he gets home he's too tired to eat there must be a way in which I can fix this or my name isn't tex kogane"the next morning pidge had woken up bright and early like she always did just like the rest of her family she grabbed some breakfast on the kitchen counter and grabbed her bag"mom I'm off to the rink"she yelled her mom responded"wait let your brother take you it's safer then you walking the streets alone"her brother sounded half asleep"no I don't want to take her besides I have a study group to get to why can't dad take her"Pidge's mother was angry"because your father is at work and study group is only at 5:30 now get your lazy butt out of bed and drive Katie to the ice rink"a groan came from upstairs and a teenage boy crawled down the stairs in a dirty white top and grey pair of pajama pants"come on let's go"he mumbled and pidge hoped after him into the car when she got to the ice rink she jumped out the car and Matt was finishing his third cup of coffee pidge got out and waved bye"see you at chess club"she said  running into the building to meet her new coach she saw the kid Keith skating around the ice but she couldn't see shiro"where's your coach"she asked putting air quotations in the air Keith came to the side of the rink"I told him four sharp he has 2 minutes now what are you doing here"I have an ice skating lesson"she said Keith stepped off the ice"can you skate?"he asked pidge gave an affirmative nod"well then why don't I give you a hockey lesson"Keith said reaching out his hand towards her she placed her hand in his"I can't be taught that easily"she said skating onto the rink she then let go of Keith"well I guess we'll have to see"Keith said tossing her a stick as soon as it made contact with her body she fell onto the ice landing on her back "need a hand"Keith said leaning over her she pushed his face out the way"no thank you"he chuckled "alright then I'm gonna pass you the puck and all you have to do is get it in the goal"he passed her the puck and she shot it as hard as she could falling on the ice at the same time but the puck slide into the goal Keith raised his hands in the air"goal"he screamed pidge started laughing as she got up. out in the parking lot a pink and purple sports car pulled up and allura got out"thanks Phaleshia I'll be done in and hour"allura said to her cousin she was about to enter the ice rink when lance appeared out of nowhere"allura"he asked she turned around shocked about to use self defence on him"lance?"she asked holding his one hand behind his back she let go of him"what are you doing here"she asked helping him to his feet"lance I never took you as the early riser type"then lance became dramatic"me not an early riser how ever could you say that"she began laughing and so did he but allura was still puzzled why lance was there so early"so why are you here so early are you stalking me"lance smiled"I would follow you to the ends of the earth"allura widened her eyes and lance covered his mouth he couldn't believe he said that"actually I'm here to coach a hockey player"then allura bursts out in laughter"you a coach that's a good one"Lance was offended but love still blinded him"why are you here"he asked she stopped laughing"I've actually decided to take up coaching in the junior league"lance was impressed"your coaching kids how to figure skate"allura shook her head"well not exactly more of a twelve year old with regular skating little kids would probably kill me before I could even coach them"she mocked her and lance both started laughing"you'd be great with kids"lance encouraged she smiled and began walking into the building"wait allura since your a coach and I'm a coach what if we got coffee together someday"lance proposed she stopped and turned around "not like a date or anything"she said lance shook his head out of the gaze "uh no just coffee for two aquatints"he cautiously said she gave a soft smile "look at you using big fancy words I'd love how about Saturday at 10:00"lance nodded and watched her walk in and then did a happy dance in the parking lot before calming himself and walking inside...

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