Slack-faced Lemur

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"Dear Mr P Parker, we are pleased to accept your application to join us in the upcoming academic year and we are excited to welcome you to our campus in September.  You have been accepted with a full scholarship as your academics are of interest to us. Inclosed is a list of items you will need for the school year and how to acquire them. Due to your current financial situation, we have enclosed a cheque for $1000 which should be able to cover the costs. We look forward to seeing you, sincerely Principal Morita." Peter finished reading the letter, his aunt was grinning madly beside him whilst Peter's reflected that of a slack-faced lemur.

"I know this is a shock- Your school called a few months ago, asking to put you in for it. I thought it would be a great opportunity for you."

"But what about you? I can't leave you alone?"

"I'll be fine, besides I'm up for a promotion at the hospital and I'm sure to get it this time."

"If you're sure??"

"Yes! Yes! God yes! Just do it!"

"Okay. I'll do it."

"Great," Aunt May stood up clapping her hands together, "Tomorrow we'll go shopping!"


"It. Will. Be. Fun!"

Peter was happy for his aunt, the scholarship would help him go to Middletown Hall, the most prestigious school for the sons and daughters of the rich and famous. He would have to leave his school, he had been there for a year and didn't have many friends, just people he would talk to but he imagined it would be worse with people who were better than him and knew it. People who no doubt had been friends since they started kindergarten and who was he? An outsider on a scholarship, he couldn't wait for the hilarious quips that would no doubt occur. But, if it made aunt May happy, he would do it.

"I'm going to go to bed, May"

"Alright sweetie, I larb you."

"I larb you too, night."

Peter brushed his teeth and changed into his pyjamas. Climbing into bed, he couldn't help but let his mind wander to what it would be like. He just hoped his roommate would be friendly.

He fell asleep thinking of what it would be like at a boarding school. He had never spent the night apart from his aunt since his parents died. 

He snuggled into bed, enjoying the last month of summer vacation before letting sleep take him.

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