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Kamira Marie Raines
East Harlem📍

Kamira woke up with constant sound of her phone going off next to her. She groaned and kicked her feet not wanting to get out of her comfortable position.

She reached picking up the phone seeing the multiple text messages and Instagram notifications of people tagging her in their stories.


Happy Birthday bald head. I love you call me when you wake up


It's our MF BIRTHDAY GET UP!!!!!


Happy Birthday Baby K🎉🎉🎉


Happy Birthday kid love you❤️


Happy Birthday Baby sister❤️

Kamira smiled replying back to each of the text messages. Her face instantly frown seeing Dontae didn't text her. They still hadn't talked since a couple days ago but Kamira figured he still would've told her happy birthday.

She rolled her eyes and shook off the feelings. Maybe he was still sleep, she was going to give him until 2 o'clock until she called going off.

"It's our birthday!" Amira yelled loudly through the phone. Kamira chuckled shaking her head at her sisters antics.

"It's our birthday!" Kamira yelled back with the same energy.

"Stop yelling!" Kamira heard Micheal's voice in the background. "Happy Birthday baby," Micheal popped his head in the camera.

"Thanks Dad," Kamira smiled. They still weren't on the best of terms but they were getting there.

"Mhm, when you leave ya Grandmother's come over here I got something for y'all," he said and Kamira nodded.

"Call me when you get dressed and on yo way, Love youuuu," she dragged out before ending the call.

Kamira sat up putting on her slippers walking down the steps smelling the breakfast her grandmother was cooking up.

"Morning Granny," Kamira smiled.

"Happy Birthday baby!" She held her arms out walking towards Kamira giving her a big hug. "I made all your favorites, sit while I make your plate."

Kamira thanked her before sitting down. She looked down at her flashing phone seeing someone was calling, "hey bestfriend."

"I told you to call me when you got up," Monty scolded through the phone.

"How did you even know I was up?" She chuckled.

"You texted me dumbass... I said call not text. Do you know the difference stupid," her went on and on while Kamira just let him.

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