All of a sudden a white light flashed swamping Kiko coma body to Violet alive and sleeping body “Kiko are you awake it you boyfriend Ichigo” Ichigo shouted into the white light. As soon as the white light disappear they saw a body breathing nobody recognised the body at first “Kiko I know your awake stop playing games” Renji says jokingly. A quiet voice started to say sometime but it didn't come out it sounded like this “I’m.......nnnooottt.......KKKiiikkkooo”, the boys were puzzled.
“You got to be Kiko, well who else would you be. You can't be Violet she's been kidnapped by Eric”. The stranger started to stand but she wobbly on her feet as it’s been a long time since she could stand up straight as she been chained sitting down to a wall. Renji, Ichigo and Mei who just came in kept looking at this stranger for a long time until she peaked up and says “Will you stop looking at me. Your freaking me out”. Ichigo started to stand up as he recognised the voice “Violet Ichigo said shocked is that you?”
“Yes” the voice replied at this point Renji started to get furious and angry as he started running toward her, at this point Ichigo went into his feared mode wondering what Renji was going to do this stranger a.k.a Violet. Renji grabbed Violet round the throat and started shouting at her “Bring my sister back you witch. How could of you done this to me? What have you done to my sister?” Renji broke down in tears.
“Me and your sister had a deal. When she was 18 years old she would go to a lonely window where nobody was, go into a coma and basically switch places” Violet replied calmly.
“So she kept that a secret from me why?” A puzzled Renji replied
“Yes because she said if I tell my brother he will stop me. I didn't want her to do it but she said she was upset about Ichigo saying how I longed him to be happy”
“Violet sis I am happy your here but I’m sad that Kiko has left” Ichigo had now join the convocation between Renji and Violet. Out of nowhere Mei started to speak but before she said anything she closed her mouth again.
Down in the caves where Kiko was now sitting in chains, in a coma. She started to come around but she didn't want to as it would mean Violet coming back down into the cave once again. If there was only a way that Violet and she could be in the castle with Renji, Ichigo and Mei without confusing them again it would be great. Violet would have broken free from Eric as well as Kiko, but it weren't that easy. Kiko started to do magic and managed to hack Violet body just for a bit.
In the castle far away from the cave Renji and Violet was still arguing about Kiko. Kiko who was in Violet body stared to speak with Kiko voice “You need to stop arguing about me”
“Violet what the hell you on about” replied Renji confused
“Violet not here”
“Kiko is that you in Violet body”
“Are you okay?”
“Yes I came here to warn you Violet won’t have long left because I’m nearly fully awake, basically me and Violet only switch until I fully awoke from the coma”
“Why didn’t she tell us?”
“Because she didn’t want to panic Ichigo with the limit he could spend with his sister”
“I don’t want her here anymore what good has she ever done for me” Ichigo now jumped in upset.
“No Kiko can’t you stay longer” Mei suddenly opened her mouth for the first time. There was a bright light and Violet was now back in her own body, Kiko left to be tortured down in the deep, dark and smelly cave of Eric.