meeting the golden trio

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Just wanted to say that Alice house is just what me and star think it is since she dosnt know Harry potter

Iris pov

I was eating a Apple in my room and drawing while petting my cat nico when an owl swooped down and put a letter on my lap.

Iris: thank you.

I petted there head and they left. I open the letter.

Hogwarts school of
witchcraft and wizardry

Headmaster: albus Dumbledore
(order of Merlin, first class, grand sorc., chef supreme mugwrump, international confed, of wizard)

Dear Mrs.gamer,

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Terms begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later then 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minevera mcgonagall
Deputy headmistress

I read it and then read the list of supplies. I smile and then move nico off of me and went to my mom and dad and gave them my list.

Iris: I got into hogwarts!

Cherry(Iris mom): great! We'll get your stuff tomorrow Ok?

Iris: Ok!

I then went back to my room wrote 3 letters, one for hogwarts and then the other two for my bffs star and alice. Then i went to our family owls Jackie and Jack. Twin great horned owls. I give Jack the Hogwarts one and he flew off. I then gave the other two to Jackie and she flew of as well. I went back to my room contueing drawing while nico then got cozy in my lap.

~timeskip to when they go to the train~

I said my goodbyes to my family and grabed my lunnge and nico and got on the train. I found my friends talking to 2 boys. I knocked on the door and they let me in.

Iris: hi I'm iris gamer. Sorry to come in unannounced but I wanted to sit with my friends

I said sitting next to my friends.

???: it's fine. I'm Ronald wasely and this Harry potter-

Iris:OMG! THE HARRY POTTER IS SITING RIGHT INFORNT OF ME- sorry I got excited nice to meet you.

Harry: it's fine don't worry about it.

Ron: yea cholate frog?

Iris: sure thanks

I said taking the cholate frog he offered

Ron: no problemo

if I went to Hogwarts Where stories live. Discover now