Our Scottish Belles of the Ball

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Lady Taylor, Charlotte and I walked out towards the throne room where all of the festivities were held. Once we got to the entrance it seemed like almost everyone that was royal in the kingdom was there. The two in front me went behind me and I walked threw the thresh hold of the room. That's when people stopped and looked towards me. The royal caller yelled out "MAY I INTRODUCE HER MAJESTY PRINCESS ALEXANDRA GABRIELA SEANNA STUART OF SCOTLAND, LADY TAYLOR ISABELLA MAYLA CONNORS OF SCOTLAND, AND SECOND PRINCESS CHARLOTTE IVY LABBE OF IRELAND!"

The people that looked to us right away went back to what they were doing. We three girls looked at each other and giggled. After pleasantry's' with the foreign dignitaries, I saw my sister  and smiled. She smiled back and walked towards me. I laughed and decided to walk towards her as well. We met in the middle of the crowd. I spoke first," You look stunning. Your majesty." after speaking and making the joke I curtsied. She laughed and grabbed my arm to lift me up. "Please don't call me that, it's so formal. Called me Mary, or better yet call me sister." she said sweetly while looking into my eyes. I smiled and hugged her and she hugged back. I took her arm in mine and continued. "Well sister, would you like to go conquer the many conversations together?" I asked her and she laughed. "I would love to sister." she stated with her head held in confidence. I laughed and held my head too.

Once everyone stopped I decided to say something. I grabbed the closest glass on a tray and raised it. All the others followed my lead and raised theirs too. I walked to the front and was next to the king and queen.

"A toast to the king and queen! For making a beauty of a daughter! *I got some whistles and laughs* And for your alliance with Spain." I stated and then decided to say something to the king and queen.  "You two. The man and woman that took me in when no one wanted me. The people who raised me by putting aside their differences. You two are the ones that taught me that I could trust and love again. And you Princess. *I looked to the happily married couple* You were the sister I always wanted and needed. You never let anyone judge me, and you kindness is something I have tried to live up to my whole life. You even supported your father when he decided to teach me how to defend myself.  Even if mother was against it. Than-" I started finished the speech only to be cut off, "ITS BECAUSE YOU WOULDN'T STOP BEGGING ME TO TEACH YOU!" Henry yelled and everyone laughed.

 " Yeah and who won that fight? Oh yeah us girls! So please what I am saying is you two gave me a home. And your children gave a family.  And you my King and Queen are remarkable for making such a woman. So to your highness's good health and I hope you reign in many years to come. But this speech is to the happy couple. TO THE PRINCE AND PRINCESS!" I yelled the last part and everyone else yelled it to. And drank to them.

After the toast was through, I looked to my sister. I walked to her and noticed something was wrong. "Mary, are you okay?" I asked and she just nodded to me. It was like she had seen a ghost. I wanted to ask more but decided against it. Looked to Lola and notice that she is upset and I am just confused. Why is everyone looking upset tonight. It's a wedding! Be Happy. 

Mary noticed Lola's look as well. And then looked to me as if we had the same idea. I walked over to Taylor and Char and brought them over to the other ladies. Mary then grabbed her ladies as well and started to speak, "Dance with me! Take off your shoes and dance with me!" We all took off our heels and ran out to the dance floor. We all laughed and giggled dancing with each other. I looked to Mary and she and I danced together. Then her and I let go of each other and danced in the center of the floor by ourselves.

 I am looking towards the ceiling then I feel eyes on me. I look over to the guest and people who weren't dancing and I see the eyes. They belong to Francis. I never would have thought and I just laugh it off. I look over to Mary and we smile to one another and then she looks towards behind me. 

In the name of Love and Scotland (Sebastain-Bash love story)Where stories live. Discover now